MY TEETH!!! They hurt so badly!

Now I gotta wear my nightguard all day and all night. It’s a pain! Literally too because I am in pain. I see the doctor on August 5th. One more week and I hope he can give me somthing or just have a tooth removed it’s been since MARCH!!! I don’t know how much more I can handle. Teeth pain sucks so much!

In Sept we going on vacation. I have decided to get a flash tattoo. Hell, why not I want to get a tiny dinosaur for $20. I am going to do it. It’s going on my ankle.

This Saturday is a fundraiser for April. It’s earlier in the morning so I will be done earlier in the day and it won’t be too hot either.

Saw April in her home. She is looking good. Her cat Sage is super happy she is home. I am happy for her. Going to have her charity event on July 27. Thanks to Chrissy. I hope it’s not a million degrees outside. Been absolutely hot out!

I am planning my sleeve tattoo!! I have consultations in Oct. I am going to get to half-sleeve lower of steampunk. I am super excited it’s going to be my right arm.

Thursday was the 4th of July our Independence Day. Went to mom’s house. Some of my aunts and uncles were there and some of my cousins. It was a fun day.

My mom had her friend Kathy. I have to say she was judgemental. You know how you can tell if someone is being judgemental towards you. Yes, that was her. She was judgemental about my hair being super short and my zombie tattoo. Damn I didn’t like how she said things to me. Also, my tattoos aren’t for anyone else but me.

My cousin Jeff was there and we played cards like we always do. Okay, my Uncle Dan is old! Cousin Jeff always plays these games with a billion rules! So many! Can tell that Uncle Dan was having trouble remembering them. Damn, even I can’t ever remember the rules. It’s like damn dude, keep it simple. I also got in trouble for going out of turn. Funny, cousin Jeff yelled at me and my Jeff was ready to get off the couch and yell at him for yelling at me. Lol! I love that man. Turns out it wasn’t my fault my cousin Reuben was going out of turn. I didn’t get an apology. I don’t really like my cousin Jeff anyway.

It was Tex’s birthday! He turned 6! I can’t believe he is 6. Where did the time go?!

Awe Happy birthday to our baby!