Jeff’s sister Dawn came for a visit for two days. Tex was IN LOVE with her. LOL!

He was being so silly with her. Had to some times tell him not to be a Velcro dog. lol! But he was a good boy. Also, Ken and Milena dog Yoda came over. NEVER AGAIN! They have this little dog and was totally be being a brat. Milena was afraid that Tex would hurt him. We are like no. He was such a good boy! In fact Tex stood by us more than seeing this dog. Yoda would lunge and Tex and bark non stop at him, gave our baby anxiety. We felt bad for Tex. That dog can never come over again.

Jeff is now 48! Happy birthday babe!

I love this pic! I am framing this pic. It’s wonderful! We had a wonderful time with Dawn. Jeff had a great birthday.

I got answers to my mouth sort of. It’s not my teeth it’s the muscles and nerves in my upper jaw. This is good because I don’t want to pull any more teeth. Bad because I need more tests. I am getting a TMJ mouthguard. In the end, my dentist was right but it was a lot of tears and being upset to get to this point though, and money. Ugh sometimes I feel like I bleed cash I don’t have. I think sometimes everyone feels that way. Just sucks!

On Tuesday I spent the whole day with April. We did a lot of horse model stuff. LOL! I can’t believe how many she has! They are so cool! It was nice to see April again. She is doing amazing! She is slowly walking up the steps! It’s awesome!

Jeff’s sister Dawn is spending Friday through Monday with us. We haven’t seen her since 2019. It will be fun to see her again.

This week I went to see the TMJ doctor but not really at the same time. lol! I had an in-depth x-ray of my mouth. I don’t actually see him till August 19. I did get more pain pills. That was fun, not. My insurance didn’t cover the pills so I had to pay. So that sucked.

Nothing really else going on this week. Jeff got new glasses but that’s it. Just life.

I saw my parent’s puppy!

His name is Tank and he is 11 weeks old. We went to see him on Wednesday. He is just the best! He loves attention. Instead of walking places, he hops everywhere. It was so fun to see something so small.

He sleeps upside down! Look at that white stripe belly! So cute!

I wore him out playing with him. He doesn’t make a whole of noise either. It was fun seeing him.