Test & Bathroom & Stars


On Friday December 18 2015 I had an ultrasound done. I never had one of those done before. I was nervous about. When they were doing it hurt a bit because they had do it while I was having my period. It’s sensitive down there during that time. It was different looking at my insides. After the ultrasound we met with my doctor. Everything looks okay but they want to another ultra sound in January. Not really my favorite thing to do but to have a baby I must.

This weekend we did some of our bathroom and making some progress. We painted and Jeff put up the boarder. Coming together.











We really wanted stars in our bedroom. However we couldn’t find one of those decals because they were too kiddy. And we weren’t going to pay eight dollars for a star. So we made our own and painted them. We figured out it only cost us less than a dollar fifty for each star. Looks great!





