
coollogo_com-79813088See you later. Time for vacation! Dawn is super excited to see us. Every day for weeks now she has been asking us what we want or what we want to do. I think it’s funny how excited she is. I think it will be fun and it’s a vacation. Jeff and I haven’t been on vacation for a while. Jeff promised that he won’t do work on vacation unless his work is going down in flames. So we will see if this happens. I can’t wait to see pretty landscapes. I am hoping see some weird too. Maybe a really big statue of something.

You know there will be some crazy story because Jeff and I traveling. Always something strange happens to us. Ha ha!

The hardest part of leaving is I will miss my fur babies.  I see them everyday and all day too. So that is the worst part of leaving. They will be staying at Jeff’s dad house. It’s funny because Koko is a big boy and their house is smaller than ours. He takes up a whole room by himself. So that will interesting to hear how Koko did since he likes to be a shadow. I think they will be fine. Scotty will have Koko and that makes it better. Scotty won’t be too scared even though Scotty was Ken’s dog but I know he will miss us. You know how dogs are very routine animals.
