
coollogo_com-24034826I forgot to add to my vacation. Dawn had to feed these horses for this older lady and we got to go with her. They were so cool!









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There also were these three black labs that roam around and they were super friendly! Awe and super cute. The horses didn’t mind them either. The black horse liked Jeff because it wouldn’t let me pet him. The other horse let me pet them.  They were cute.



I don’t know what happened but I noticed a change in Jeff. Who knew vacation could change someone that much. Anyway an example of a change of mind which I find strange. For years we send our nieces and nephew money for their birthday. I don’t remember who came up with the idea of giving them money based on their age for example Allie turned eleven so we sent her eleven dollars. So the other night we are sitting and talking and Jeff says We should send our nieces and nephew twenty dollars instead for birthdays. In my brain I am saying: WHAT! Did you get punched in the head? Who are you? Because Jeff would never say that. So I thought that was strange.

Jeff is changing.

Here is the real reason. I don’t like that there will be less time for us. Jeff is starting a new business venture that could lead to great big things. Him and a guy from work are going into business together as a side project. Which is awesome! But that also means less time for me. Also he is so focused on his family ever since vacation which is great too. But he spends a lot of his time focus on them. I don’t even focus on my family that much.

I know I am being selfish but I get to be since it’s just me here. Jeff and me. Has been for a long time.


There was an incident that happened in NC after Allie’s birthday party between Jamie and Corey. It ended badly and now they are either not going to get back together, not sure on this. However Jamie video chatted with Jeff yesterday. I thought that was strange. She is a cool person and I was sad to hear what happened. But I am worried about Jeff. He hasn’t ever had to deal with this sort of thing before. I have. There was one girlfriend that Adam had that I really liked and was sad when they broke up. I hope that Jeff knows what he is doing.

In my opinion it’s best to stay with family and let it be as it is. It’s fine if you want to be friends but have to be careful on what is said because it WILL come back. And it WILL be used against you. I know been there done that.

We will see what happens.


I am worried about my mom. She is having breast reduction surgery and she asked me to drive her to surgery which is next Monday. I am. What I am worried about is early this year she found a lump on her breast. Turned out to be nothing which is awesome. What I am worried about is what she is not telling me. She didn’t even tell me she found a lump till way later. She said it’s because her back and shoulder are in a lot of pain and the doctors suggest this. I am hoping that is the case.