Rock This Town


Rock it inside out!

Sometime during the 90’s when I was a teenager, I went through this phase of listening to big bands. I was totally into rockabilly and that is when I started to listen to Brian Setzer. He had an album called The Dirty Boogie. I totally loved that album. Of course I knew who Brian Setzer was, he from the 80’s band The Stray Cats. I also knew he is a killer guitar player.

I never thought of actually going and seeing him though. On Monday November 17, 2014 Jeff and I went to see Brain Setzer Orchestra and he was amazing. We saw them in Milwaukee at the Potawatomi Casino. First of all I have never been to the Potawatomi Casino and Jeff hasn’t been there since they updated it. The Casino is amazing there is so much to look at on the ceiling. This Casino is the biggest casino I have been in, in Wisconsin. Also it didn’t smell all that smoky which I was surprised by that and in the theater where the concert was you couldn’t smoke. I was happy about that as well. How the theater is arranged is in the front is seats like in a movie theater, then booths with tables, the seats we had were four chairs and table on the side of you and then more booths with tables. We were sitting a little off to the side but yet we could see everything. The couples sitting across from us were really nice people, a little small talk but not awkward small talk.

There was an opening band and they were called The Record Company. Never heard of them before but I really liked them. And the lead singer was from Wisconsin; can’t get any better than! I really liked their sound and will be listening to them. Also you can listen to them on Spotify, which is cool. They played for about forty five minutes. There was a little break, then Brian Setzer Orchestra was on. Oh wow! He was so good and so was his Orchestra.

Not only did he play Christmas music he played older songs like Rock This Town and Stray Cat Strut. But he also played a couple of new songs which sounded great going to be listening to that album. Since Brian Setzer has an Orchestra he played some Johnny Cash songs. I truly enjoyed the show.

After the show we stayed in Milwaukee. We stayed at the Brewhouse Inn. It was a Pabst Brewery at one time and they took the brewery and turned into a hotel. Very cool! We could even see where they brewed the beer. Also they had these really funny looking furniture that really cracked me up.

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