Tuesday March 3 2015 I had a brain fizzle. I haven’t had one of those sine the 90’s. What’s a brain fizzle? It’s something I came up with when one day you wake up stupid. There is nothing you can do about it either. I guess it’s a way for your brain tell you that it needs a break.
Need a break from what? Need a break from thinking to damn much! I think about everything and anything also I have been trying hard to write a story that I want to publish eventually. Which requires a lot of thinking plus all the other stuff I got to do.
I forgot how a brain fizzle feels. It doesn’t feel like writers block even though I do have those. This feels like you are so dumb that you can’t even function. Multitasking was so hard to do on Tuesday and I love to multitask. The only time I am not multitasking is when I am reading a book, playing video games or sleeping. Otherwise I am always multitasking. Even when I am being lazy in my own opinion I am multitasking. Brain fizzle doesn’t allow multitasking because you can’t focus on anything. I literally stared in outer space for three minutes on that day before someone texted me. I was like where did that time go and where was I?
Even talking to Jeff was chore because I couldn’t remember anything interesting that had happened during the day. There was no point to Tuesday. I don’t even know why I got out of bed. It was a total waste of time. But then again, it gave my brain to restart.
On Wednesday March 4 2015 I felt better. I guess my brain needed a day off. Good thing it was on a day that didn’t have that much going on. I couldn’t imagine having a brain fizzle day when I had many things to do.