This was my week:
Situation bff April tells me she has to move. Why? Because the neighbor across the hall called the landlord. She claims that April’s apartment smells bad and she can smell it in the hall. This neighbor also hates April and this was the 3rd time she called to claim this. It looked bad for April because her mom made it so much worse than it needed to be! She always causes trouble. Her mom called the cops. What the hell are the cops going to do anyway? Because of this, they want April and her parents to move out. Thankfully they are letting her stay until the end of the month of June. Of course, her mom blames her for this even though it was her fault. She didn’t need to get involved. Her parents always make April the scapegoat for everything bad in their lives.
So all week been looking a place to live. It’s been hell! There is nothing to rent right now! So stressful! Plus no one will help her. It will be me and her packing her whole place. All I got to say is April likes to keep things (A LOT OF THINGS!). It will be tough.
I will go see her on Monday and stay for some days. We are going to go look at a place. I hope it works out because it solves all of her problems if she can get it. Fingers crossed.
Another thing, places are not requiring masks anymore. I feel to still wear my mask. I was standing in line at the pharmacy which is a place for sure people should wearing their masks, I feel. However, if people choose not to. Whom am I to tell them so? I would never and have never during this whole thing. Anyways standing in line with my mask on, the only one to have a mask on except staff. This woman is standing sort of next to me. Was chatting with the pharmacist. She was talking about she feels happier she doesn’t have to wear a mask. Then she looks directly at me and says “SOME people I guess didn’t get the memo that they don’t have to wear a mask. Since masks are ridiculous.” Mind you I was doing nothing but standing in line. I wasn’t telling people to wear masks. I wasn’t doing anything. So I look at her and said “Oh I am sorry. What country do we live in? Oh, that’s right, America I can do what I want!” Any other week I would have shrugged it off because I am not a confrontational person. I have been stressed for days trying to help April. So she got what she got. LOL! I wish people who just mind their own business. If a person is minding their own business why provoke? Oh well though it felt good to tell her off.