It will be okay. I will be okay with my stomach. I now have a fire to lose weight and get better. I know I can do it because I have done it before. Go me! I walked 2 miles this week and I am super proud of myself for doing so.

Sigh…..April is getting on my nerves again. It’s on and on forever, it seems. I have told her many times that this summer I am busy. That the one time we planned for her to be here was your last chance till maybe fall. She couldn’t come to see me because I had COVID earlier this year. She didn’t come because of her mother. She is 39 years old. She can make up her own mind. Her mother was afraid she would get it but that was several weeks after I had it and was all better. I am mad about it because she hasn’t been to my home since 2019. But I have driven there so MANY times and even helped her move. She can’t come to my house? Ugh! I am done with it.

Sometimes I just to the point that I am done with certain things. I have noticed lately as I have been thinking about my mortality for some reason. It’s a strange thing to explore. Which makes me just be done with certain things.