I have fallen in this trap, you know being human and all. I try not to talk about myself all that much. I actually encourage people to talk about them and keep the focus off of me. But what I hate the most is when I find out we have something in common or I want to ask a question. I can’t either say or I say and they just continue about themselves, ignoring me completely.
This happens to me all the time mostly with family. It’s quite annoying but I guess I am a bit to blame because I keep them talking about themselves. And let me tell you people love talking about themselves!
I noticed this happens a lot with younger people but also this happens when I talk to my parents. I did have one hurtful thing my mom did say. She told me that I talk about myself too much and about Jeff. Well I am sorry he is my life and I like to talk about him. I know what she was getting at and it’s always the same with her. I only want to hear if you have children and only about them. She never says that to my older brother and sister because they talk about their children all the time. For someone who doesn’t have kids it’s really stupid conversations or I should say one way conversations because that is what they are. I am sure if I ever have children I will talk about them. But I will try to remember not to talk about it so much if people don’t have children because I have been there.
Also when people talk about themselves too much and you have nothing in common with them. The conversations are so boring. I think to myself “wow this person is so boring. Wish I could leave this.” However if the person is older or likes to travel their stories are very interesting. I love hearing about the old days and how things use to be. Or where someone has been, what they have seen on their travels. They are very interesting. Sometimes I want them to talk for a long time. When this happens I ask a lot of questions to keep the conversation going.
I have to remember if the conversation is boring try not to ask too many questions. Sometimes I forget and the conversation goes on forever or becomes awkward. I hate awkward, I prefer forever boring conversation.
However I am not talking about conversations that are interesting those are the best but for me I seem to be talking to people who I have nothing in common with.