
You know what is dumb it’s hard to find anyone talking about adoption. I have Googled and looked around to see what it takes to adopt and it’s hard. Even people who adopt don’t even talk about the process. And when I say process like what is all included to adopt? I have no idea why?

Isn’t adoption awesome?! I think so.

So in my journal here I am going to write what it takes. This way if anyone wants to adopt they know.

Alright! We had to get for the application copies of: Birth certificates, SS cards, driver licenses. Then we needed letters from all of our insurances. This one took awhile. We needed any life insurances policies which Jeff and I have both have a couple. Home owner insurance, regular insurance and what it covers for the both of us and car insurance.

Had to go to the bank because the adoption agency gave a us a document that we had to fill out and get notarized so the agency can run background checks on the both of us. We also got a cashier check for $500 that is what it costs just for the application.

Not required but we are sending a check for $500 we are sending it certified mail because that is some money! Better safe than sorry, I say.

Officially this weekend we have started the process!