You Choose

I can’t help it I love the apps that you get to choose your own path. I have written about several of them.

On top of that I am reading two paper back books. As I am still working on reading 50 books. If reading apps with choices counted as books I would have read a hundred by now but I am not counting them.

In the app store there are a lot to choose your own and a lot of them are crap. Some are written terribly and some cost too much to play. Some have so many ads they become unplayable. Some you have to wait ridiculous amount of time to play again. On and on.

And…I tried to play more than half of them. My app store is filled with all the choose you owns that failed for me to play them again.


Always read what any app really but for sure choose your own adventures what they want from you. Whether you signing in with your FB account which most of them use. Or an email and really read what is they will take from you. Some of them will use your information and sell it to companies to sell you something with ads or whatever they may use it for. Some of them will use your information for the purpose of the game and keep it until you contact them to be removed. Those are the scariest in my own opinion. I will never use my personal information for those games. I don’t know what will they do with my information. And I have already someone hack into my FB account. Have to be really careful on what information they want.

Time to talk about LoveStruck again. I am losing interest in this app. I think I have been playing now almost a year or little over a year. I am not really sure.

Buyer beware!

LoveStruck in my opinion does not have any customer service. They never fixed my problem and never got back to me and it’s been two weeks. TWO WEEKS?! I am done with them.

My decision is to just read the stories. I have to say I have been skipping days here and there. I use to read every single day but LoveStruck changed my opinion on them. I can’t believe they can’t fix this problem so therefore they do not deserve any of my money. Too bad for them. Also I will be writing a review on the app store.

Which I really do read those reviews on the app store. They can be so informational. They can influence me and let me know about the good and the bad on an app. I find myself still trying out the app to realize that people were right about an app and sometimes they are wrong. I mean before I buy anything on Amazon I look at the reviews same goes for games in the app store.

Choices stepped up their game! Literally! Now you can earn diamonds everyday. You can earn five diamonds a day. There is a little present click on it and you get one diamond everyday. Then watch ads you can earn four more every single day. It’s awesome! Also what is cool and this has happened to me. Let’s say I watch an ad but it didn’t count because in this app that happens sometimes. It will reload another ad, watch it and earn that diamond. WOW! I am impressed Choices!

Another thing is you can choose your gender. There are skins to choose whom you want to look like as well. Except for some of the stories because of the time period which you have to play as a woman. That is understandable because history.

Plus the stories have been better! Here are my favorites right now and some are still adding new chapters. Desire & Decorum 1 and 2, Blood Bound, Open Heart, HSS Class Act 1 and 2, Ride or Die, The Courtesan of Rome, The Heist Monaco, Royal Romance 1, 2 and 3, Perfect Match 2. I didn’t really like the first Perfect Match but the second is better. But still have to play one to carry the choices over to the second book.

I have never had a problem with Choices. They have a great blog as well that tell about the people who write the stories and the stories themselves. Google Pixelberry Studios blog and it will show up.

My new obsession of choose your own is Romance Club. In the app store it’s called Romance Club-stories I play. The artwork in this app is awesome! The characters are full bodied. You can see the expressions on the characters faces as well. However the angry expression on some of the characters are a little scary. That surprised me the first time. Like OH SHIT! That is scared me! It’s funny now.

In this app there is only five stories as I write this. A lot less stories than the other apps and it only updates so far as I have seen every other month. The company that writes this app is Russian. Sometimes not your character but the other characters in the game sometimes pop up with their Russian names in the Russian language.

Another thing is and I am not sure why but I am thinking time zone difference. It sort of sucks but happy to wait for it. When they say there is a new release look at their FB page they tell when the episodes will release. It always happens the day after they say. For example if they say episodes will be released on March 5 it’s will be March 6 for me.

I actually have to go to the app store to update the app. They do not do it automatically like all the other apps. I didn’t know that. I went to the app store and saw that I had to update the game myself. Figured out by myself.

The five stories are Sails in the Fog this one is my favorite! It’s about pirates. You can fall in love with three people in this one, I have found. You can choose between the Captain, a childhood friend or a woman pirate. Of course I choose the Captain. In this story you play as Adelaide. You do not get to choose her name which is find by me.

Moonborn is about vampires and werewolves. The first season of Moonborn is boring and really long! However season 2 and 3 which 3 is out now with some chapters it’s better. If you can get past season one.

The loves interests are a vampire, werewolf and a human. So far in season 3 there is nothing of the human love interest but it’s still new. I choose human and vampire in my story. Also I find that the human love interest isn’t as interesting as the vampire and werewolf in which you spend the most time with.

My Hollywood Story you are an struggling actress. There is a great cliff hanger in this one. Your love interest so far is fashion designer or next door neighbor so far. I choose fashion designer. Also I have to point this out. There is a detective in the story and his name is Jeff. He is a good looking character. I showed my Jeff and he even said he was good looking. LOL! Silly.

Queen in 30 days. Yeah you can guess what this one is about. A king has to find his queen in 30 days. Guess what your character wants to do? lol! But in this one you can choose the king or his body guard.

Shadows of Saintfour is brand new and only has one episode. What I can tell thriller or mystery. One of those or both.

In Romance Club you can get free diamonds and free teas. Instead of tickets or keys they have tea. Lol! It means watching ads to get them but worth it and every day you come back your amount of diamonds increases. At first it was two for me now I get five diamonds a day for a daily reward.

Downside of this app is the choices are crazy expensive! Some choices are as little as five diamonds while other can be as much as hundred! So far buying clothes in this app doesn’t make any difference in the story line. Your character will say “these are rags” however the story line is the same. Some choices you can watch an ad to get the choice.

Each brand new story like Shadows of Saintfour the first episode you will get ten diamonds and you can watch an ad to get two more diamonds. So that is twelve diamonds for a brand new episode. New chapters for stories you can earn diamonds and watch an ad to get two more diamonds. So there is a way to earn diamonds in this app.

There is a cool bonus but the time is ridiculous to me. Especially if it’s for your favorite story. At the end of each season you can have the chance to read a bonus episodes but you have to wait 24 hours! These episodes do not influence the story in any way. What you will get from them is romance, a new hairdo or new piece of jewelry or clothing. There is also diamond choices in the bonus episodes as well. So it’s really up to you if you can wait usually I can’t. lol! I have read two bonus episodes. Moonborn it’s okay. My Hollywood Stories this one you get cool rainbow hair.

In the all the choose your own their are plenty to choose from. And there are plenty of people reading them and reviewing them. These are just the ones I like to read. Choices and Romance Club are my favorite right now. Choices was my first choose you own. Also never had a problem with them.

Let’s face it I am not going to like all the stories in any of these apps. Some stories I use just to get the diamonds and that is okay. It’s just like a real book you gonna love it, hate or it was just okay. That is how it is. Like I said before apps can either make you want to read them or dis guard them. I know as soon as I read all the stories in LoveStruck I will only come back for updates which is fine by me. For Choices I visit everyday and love the updates for their stories. I can’t wait to read my favorites. Romance Club in between months I gather diamonds and reread the stories to get the best possible story line I want.


It’s that time again to write on this app. Lol! I can’t help it. I love this app.

I want to start with the bad then do the good. First I have to say HELLO LOVESTRUCK! I only say that because literally after stating that Speakeasy Tonight does not have any unlock able art it got unlock able art. Hi, I am writing about your app again!

There some cons I have run across. I want to start with the bad then end with the good. Because this time the good out weighs the bad.

The biggest bug I have found in this app is between devices. I read this app on my iPad then on my phone. It shouldn’t matter where I read this app but it does. Since I logged into my FB with it, it should keep my stories but…it does and it doesn’t. Here is the biggest thing that is annoying to me.

First from device to device it never keeps my bookmark place. For example lets say I am in season two of a story on my iPad. When I log in to that same story on my phone it always goes back to season one. If I am not paying attention I accidentally put a ticket in season one when I am in season two. It’s so annoying! Because I prefer to read Lovestruck on my iPad but if I am away I check in on my phone to put in tickets and if I am not paying attention I waste a ticket on the wrong season.

Second biggest bug I have found of the device to device, again. It’s hearts weekend! Read so many chapters get hearts. Like I said I like to read on my iPad. However when hearts weekend comes by and I read chapters on my iPad it counts. HOWEVER! I decide to read some chapters on my phone, I have to start all over. Meaning from device to device you can’t continue the tier you are on. Have to start all over which sucks!

It does however keep what episode you are on just not the season.

One more thing that is more of an irritation then a bug. Is the trophy icon. This is where you can look at the pics you unlocked. Why is it in between the camera and gear? It’s a terrible spot for it! I more times then not I click the gear instead of the trophy. Would have been better on the other side of the camera or further away. Maybe on the other side of the heading.

Please fix the bugs soon. So we all can enjoy your wonderful app of stories.

Okay here is some bloopers.

I decided to read all of the stories on the app. Not all at once mind you but eventually all of them regardless of gender preference.

That means I went back to my very first story I started reading when I first got the app. The Starship Promise Captain Orion. This made me laugh so hard because it was so ridiculous and bad writing. Season one episode 6 there is part when Orion gives you a gift. Then you get the choice worth hearts and one without hearts as usual. The choice with no hearts is decline the gift. This is where it’s so funny! Your character says along the lines that you can’t except the gift because you are weird and can’t expect gifts for some reason. That made me laugh out loud for real! What terrible writing! How about I can’t expect a wonderful gift. Would have been a lot better. Please that was terrible and please fix that. It was so funny though so maybe keep it for laughs.

After this I will stop writing about it unless Speakeasy Tonight actually gets some chapters. I am tried of talking about this story and I am tired of reading it. I have one more character to read and that is Sofia Martinez. Here is art that is messed up and made me laugh that no one caught it. Since this app gets updated all the time, I am surprised and not surprised. They know this story is not going to continue so why fix it right?! Yes I think that has to be the reason.

Apparently her head is chopped in half. It’s kinda funny.

Now time for Pros.

This app is updated all the time!

The coolest thing about Lovestruck is when an update of a story it comes out it’s literally that day. You know I love to play Choices but Choices makes me wait for chapters. Which I don’t understand why because if they are made why make us wait? Lovestruck doesn’t. I could wake up at 2 A.M. and it will be there.

Lovestruck fixed it’s timer. Yes and it’s sped up as well. If I don’t pay I can still read three to four times a day.

There is ton of stories to read! Unlike a lot of other choice story games. Lovestruck has so many to choose from and a variety as well.

I want to point that your character isn’t a super model. Your character is an average person. I like this because it makes it feel like an average person can fall in love with someone gorgeous and fictitious.

Side note in the future it would be cool to have a character that was a little chubby. Also I would like to see more races as well. So far there is only two races for a ‘you’ character. Really though there is only one story ‘you’ play an African American and that is Villainous Nights.

You can review each season and stories with hearts. I think this is a great idea. At first I thought all the reviews would be positive but there are some that are negative. I like that because it shows real people are reviewing the stories.

One more thing the mascot for Lovestruck is adorable! See if you can spot in the art work you unlock. Also I think the mascot is a puppy so puppy love. Nice!


Here I go again with this app, Lovestruck (and probably not the last).

I have playing for some months and spent money on this app and I would like to revisit this topic. When I say spend money, I mean for tickets. I haven’t found spending money on hearts worth it. There is a reason for that. So far I have spent hearts on choices and it really didn’t impact the story I use them in, Speakeasy Tonight and Astoria Fate’s Kisses. Suggestion save hearts to buy stories that only cost hearts. That is worth it more than the choices with hearts.

Speakeasy Tonight: is still a broken story. A hint that it is a broken story is that there is no artwork that goes along with this story. As the other stories all have artwork you can unlock. It’s sad because I really like this story. Another story is comparable to this one but I will get to that. In Speakeasy Tonight it isn’t the same story line and I haven’t seen the characters say the same thing in different story lines like another story I will get to later. Each character has it’s own unique story line. Which makes it a cool a story. Also with Speakeasy Tonight all the chapters are long enough. However would have been nice to know it was a broken story so I wouldn’t have wasted actual money on it. Hope one day all the characters have an end but I think that would never happen. My favorite story in Speakeasy Tonight was the doctor.

Astoria Fate’s Kisses: not to be confused with Astoria Lost Kisses. Fate’s Kisses some of the chapters are too short! I have found in Hades and Cyprin so far that some of the chapters are really short. That is a waste of ticket in my opinion. I am not satisfied with the ending of Hades in this story. Easily one of my favorites in the series and the ending to me is lacking. The seasons leading up to the end was good until the last season where you and Hades have a kid. Because of this I am dreading all the ending seasons where you have kids with the Gods.  I am figuring that is why they have the other series with the Gods and I can see this being their most popular series. In this series I have found a lot of the same story lines and that sucks! And I found May your best friend has said the same exact thing across different God story lines. That is not cool! I get bored with Fate’s Kisses because of the same thing happening to your character.

I can’t say anything on Astoria Lost Kisses yet.

Love & Legends: I really like this series and this series for me takes the prize! I haven’t found a short chapter yet. When I spend money on this app it would be for this series. This is worth the money. All the stories are different and even the villain even though the same she comes out in different ways. Each love interest is very different from the others. There isn’t one love interest that I like more than the others (yes including the women). All of them are good! All the story lines brings a different aspect to the same story. But it isn’t the same at the same time. lol! What I mean is your character has different facets. Your character isn’t boring either and things she says is funny because of the time period. 

Castaway! Love’s Adventure: I wasn’t too sure about this story. I started out with the Captain and it seemed to take forever to get to the love part.  Of course the one story I totally loved was Joaquin and there is only a few seasons. Make more of Joaquin! Can we say erotica! Yes! More so than any of the other stories I have read. Anyway Castaway! Love’s Adventure is my second favorite. 

Starship Promise: there has to be one of them I really dislike and this is it. This is the story I first encountered with the app and I hate this story! Can we say BORING! Yes I can. I have tried to read this story but I just can’t. It’s not interesting to me and that is sad because I like Sci-Fi stories.

Villainous Nights: this story is average. It’s not super exciting but you get to be a villain taking down villains. LOL! I started with Duke and Renzei. Now Renzei  took me by surprise. So that makes for a good story. There isn’t anything bad I can say about this story so far. It’s not super thrilling but it’s not horrible either. Chapters are pretty good length as well so that is a plus. 

Artwork: I have to say I love the artwork in this app! I wish they would put who create it so they got recognition for it. A plus for the artwork that you can get without paying for hearts, since it’s all based on YOUR choices. I like that.

Artwork suggestion: With each story their is artwork you can unlock. Now it would be cool if I got some kind of reward for completing all the artwork for a love interests. Because right now if I miss one, I don’t really care. I am one who doesn’t cheat to pick what choices to unlock the artwork, I just go with my instinct to pick or sometimes I like my character to be sassy. lol! However some of the love interests I didn’t unlock all the artwork and I am not going to go back to unlock it either. IF there was some kind of reward for unlocking all the artwork, then it would be worth it to try and get the artwork. Maybe for short stories that only have a couple seasons only get like five hearts. Those who have a lot of artwork to unlock maybe ten hearts. Just something to look forward to not just the artwork which I stated is awesome!

Timer: I would like to point out how screwy the timer is in this app. It has sped up since my last entry on the app but it still has something strange about it. You get a ticket every 2hrs 30 mins. However here is why I think that, for example I see I have one ticket so I put it in a story. Almost eight hours later I still will only have one ticket. How does that work? Sometimes I will have two tickets which is the limit unless you pay. So if you get a ticket every 2hrs 30 mins how come a lot of the time I will only have one ticket and hours will pass by? So I am not sure why that is still a thing and why it changes. Also I would like to add when I pay money the timer works great after some time then it goes back to being I guess slow. So you know paying money makes the app work better which I find that to be wrong. I know they want to make money but still that is kinda shady at the same time.

HINT: Here is a hint I found out. If you can wait of course. Want to read multiple stories without paying for tickets? If you can wait 48 hours you can read multiple stories without paying. Keep in mind you have to be reading a lot stories all at once. If you can do this then you can read all your favorite stories right after another. Check frequently in the app to see if you have a ticket or two. Put them in your favorite stories, do not read them. In 48 hours you will have many chapters waiting for you to read. It can be tedious but it lets me read stories for almost all day. Also watch or let the ads play before exiting out of the chapter. It can be screwy with the app if you  are reading on an older device.

Get more hearts! Like I said I NEVER pay money for hearts. Everyday you can earn hearts or puzzle pieces. I was skeptical that I would never complete a puzzle however I have completed two puzzle pictures and got the hearts for them. So it IS possible to earn hearts from that. The best way to earn hearts is to be on the lookout for when they have heart tiers weekend. It’s usually two days of reading. What works well is if you been putting in your tickets to all the stories and wait till the weekend. You can complete a lot of tiers for hearts. You never know when that will be so really good strategy just do that every week instead of waiting 48 hours. I admit it’s hard because I always want to see what will happen next. However that is the time to pay money for tickets to earn hearts. I usually use all my week build up then pay to get all the hearts I can get. This way I can pay for extra stories that are only unlocked by hearts.

Currently I am reading 22 stories. But that is just me I love to multi-task.


Nothing really happening last week. Jeff worked on the car as it needed new brakes. I helped him when he needed but that’s it really.

I did finish my mom’s birthday present:








The kit didn’t come with enough flower buttons. Good thing I keep extras from other projects. I had a dragonfly button and added it where a flower button would go.

Started reading a new app. I know! I know! I am addicted. I started reading in the app Lovestruck. The stories here are interesting and the graphics are cool. One more thing the chapters are a good length which can be a problem with those story apps. However I did find somethings that sucks about this app. One is the whole choices thing. You get hearts in this app and it seems every time I think I have enough for a choice it isn’t. For example I will have 20 hearts and the choice will be 23 hearts. Yeah that doesn’t seem right to me. Another thing is they have a broken story and of course it’s my favorite called Speakeasy Tonight. It’s not getting updated anymore and yet they let you spend your time reading it even though you will never find out what happens. Boo! One more con of this app is the time for tickets. 2 and half hours for one ticket or so it seems sometimes. Sometimes you get 2 tickets and sometimes you only get one ticket. Not sure what determiner this. Unlike Choices or Episodes where the time is sped up a little, Lovestruck really takes 2 and half hours for whatever ticket I guess they decide you get.

Yet I will keep reading as I love the story Astoria. You get to get together with Gods. I started out with Hades. Unfortunately they don’t tell you how you should read them. I just jumped right in a story with Hades and found out you have to read them in a certain order for it all to make sense. Anyways it’s still good reads though.