
While driving to MN I read.


I have read one of his other books A Goomba Ways of Life and it was pretty funny and fun to read. Actually Jeff got these books to read. But I know him he will never read them. Too bad too. They are booth good. This book made me laugh and has some good insight for regular life. I love the pics in this book too. Highly recommend this book.


Meh. If I could I would skip this book. Ugh this book is whiny! I don’t really like books with whiny kids in them and this one has one. The only good part of this book was the end. There was no real romance till then. Not even the middle of the book was holding my interest. Oh well I read it and it was painful.

I have to share this pic of Tex and April they are buddies! So cute!

Seriously I think it goes me, April then Jeff when April comes over. LOL! And this is the dog that chose Jeff. Tex just loves April and always wants to play or try and crawl in her lap. Ha ha! Look at that tongue that is Tex’s signature.


46. Island of the Blue Dolphins

April lent me this book. It’s based on a true story and is made for young adults. I dislike it. I thought to story was lacking emotions. There is also a movie and I watched it. Another case of book is better than the movie even though the book isn’t good. I know this book won lots of awards etc but this book isn’t for me.

On Tuesday Jeff found a book on the road when we were pulling in our driveway. I picked it up and it wasn’t a book I would read. It belonged to the library. So I brought it back and oh wow they were so happy to have it back. The man who rented was super worried about it and it was happy I brought it back.

I think it was meant to be! I been wanting to get a library card and since I had to go there to return that book, I got one. Then the library was having a book sale! I about a lot of books for cheap!


47. Lilac Girls

This book mom lent me. It’s great! It’s about three women during WWII. Each how they survived it with their own stories. This was a fast read for me because it was so interesting. I literally couldn’t put it down and when I did. I couldn’t wait to go back to reading it.

It’s tragic, there’s romance and it shows strong women in this novel. How they overcome and really shows the human spirit against the odds.

I like how even though they came from different places around the globe they met each other eventually.


Here is it is book number 48.


What’s funny is when I was last at my mom’s house. She bought this book a 100 books you should read before you die, this was one of the them. Funny!

Some of it though I have to admit was a little hard to read and it made me learn new words. How dare it. Just kidding. Some of it is in French. But overall a good book.

There’s a movie? Yeah I found out there is a movie with the same name from 1935. I got excited because it had Basil Rathbone in it. He was Sherlock. Loved him as Sherlock. Still a great actor his role wasn’t huge in the movie and I think it was wasted talent. He would have been a great Captain Blood.

I thought the movie was okay. I thought they spent too much time in the beginning getting to the point that he turns into a pirate. So just like today the book was better than the movie.

Metro 2034

coollogo_com-28303481Book by Dmitry Glukhovsky

My Review

You all know I loved Metro 2033 what a great and sad adventure. I couldn’t wait to get Metro 2034. This book is the adventure of Hunter, Homer and Sasha.

First of all though I couldn’t get this book in the US. I couldn’t get it for my Kindle off of Amazon. I even went to some bookstores and they didn’t have it. Yes I went to bookstores haven’t been in them in a very long time but I really wanted to read this book. Found it on EBay and got the book from London. Had to wait a little over two weeks for it. Not too bad I thought coming from Europe.

I was disappointed I know this book is not about Artyom but the way he was inserted in the story I didn’t like it. Made him seem less human unlike his adventure in Metro 2033. I didn’t like how the two stories where broken up as well. First we start with Hunter and Homer. Then it would switch to Sasha. I am not a fan of that.

Finally when they all get together it felt like too much attention was on Homer and Sasha. Not enough attention on Hunter. This is supposed to be really about him like it says on the back of the book These are the voyages of Hunter. What it really should say is: These are the voyages of minor characters that interact with Hunter.

However I did like Homer’s story. I think that Mr. Glukhovsky should make adventures of him. He seems like he would have a lot of great adventures in his youthful years. He was the only character that I really liked. I also like the story within a story. I always think that is neat.

I didn’t find out anything I didn’t know about Hunter already in this story. I knew he had to be a damaged person. I already got that from reading Metro 2033 and playing Metro Last Light. That is obvious.

I am so hoping when Metro 2035 comes to America its better than this story. I hope he goes back to Artyom I want to read more of his adventures.


Metro 2033

coollogo_com-118061259The book by Dmitry Glukhovskyy

My review

Upon getting the game Metro Last Light the video game and I love it. I didn’t know it was loosely based off a book. Talking to my younger brother Adam he told me he had the game Metro 2033. (Got to play it!) After finishing the book I have to get this game.

To be honest this book was hard for me to get into at first. Since the author is Russian it was written in Russian then translated to English. There were some grammar problems and some of the sentences through the whole book was this. Metro2033isagoodbookcanyoureaditthisway? Yes some sentences were run together. But I can overlook bad grammar and run together sentences if the story is good.

Playing the game I already knew who the main character was but I didn’t know his story. Some of the characters from Metro Last Light were in the book and they looked nothing like they do the game. Also if reading this book I had to remember this the beginning and not the game Metro Last Light.

I really liked this book because I really like the idea people surviving in many tunnels of the metro system in Russia.

I am officially a Metro fan! I can’t wait to read the squeal Metro 2034. Also he made Metro 2035 this year 2015 it comes out. Hopefully next year it will be translated to English so I can read it. I found a new thing to be geeky about.

metro 2033

Killing Reviews


Books by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard

Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever

This the first book of the Killing series. I have to say I wasn’t as impressed with this book as I wanted to be. I just couldn’t get into it. I did learn a lot about John Wilkes Booth that I didn’t know. But it wasn’t as exciting. I was hoping for more than it was. I felt bored reading this and made the book even longer. However if you like to learn about our sixteenth President then you will like this book.

Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot

I knew a little about President Kennedy. Only what I learned in school and about his assignation. A little about the Bay of Pigs but I totally didn’t understand some of it. This book is easy to read and I understood and learned a lot more. From him being a young man to his death. Goes more in depth of him as a President. His relationships, his marriage and the crisis’s he had to face. This book was a fast read for me and it kept my interested the whole time.

Killing Jesus: A History

You don’t have to be religious to read this book. This isn’t about religion this book is about Jesus as he is in history. It doesn’t talk about how he came back after he died on the cross because that is the religion part. I thought I knew about Jesus. (Growing up Catholic and going to Catholics schools. I am not Catholic anymore but we discuss that later.) Anyways growing up Catholic I thought I knew all about him but this book tells you things you didn’t know about Jesus. We all know the story of Jesus but this fills the gap of what they don’t tell you about Jesus. When he was boy to his death. It’s a great read.

Killing Patton: The Strange Death of World War II’s Most Audacious General

I like learning about World War II. I knew a little about General Patton even saw that movie with George C. Scott. Great movie! This book is not just about General Patton it about others that made an impact on World War II. This book is my favorite out of the series. It keeps you interested the whole time. Love learning more about the Presidents during this time. It goes more in depth with them. And of course of General Patton. Wow! I wish we had Generals like him today. It starts out with his death. Then goes in depth about the war to about the man. This book goes into some great detail about the horrors of war. Some of the details are so horrific it made me put the book down to take a breather from it. The end of the book does go over some of the conspiracy theories but they state those are conspiracy not the truth. He survived World War II and then to die in an accident. Then no one is punished for it. Sad! If you like to learn about World War II and General Patton then I recommend reading this book.

Death Punch’D Review

coollogo_com-77751045(1)Surviving Five Finger Death Punch’s Metal Mayhem

By Jeremy Spencer

I don’t know why but I am totally being lazy on writing this review of this book because I finished it on September 9 2014. And it’s not because it wasn’t a good book, it was.

I was surprised by Jeremy’s intelligence. Not saying I think that he is dumb. No I do not think that at all. I actually had to look up some words. Kinda funny! Good think I have the internet. Could you imagine looking them up in a real dictionary? I am glad that I do not have to do that anymore.

Anyways this book shows how much crap Jeremy endured to get to where he is today. I am actually surprised that he is not dead because of all the drugs he did. There were so many!

I found one chapter to be the most disturbing. It’s the chapter where he and his friends go to the cemetery and disturbs people’s headstones. This chapter got to me because I thought it was so disrespectful. You would think all the graphic sex and drug taking would disturb me but nope.

In conclusion do not read this book if you just want to find out more about Five Finger Death Punch. You will be somewhat disappointed. This book is called a biography for a reason because it’s about a person’s life. I would recommend reading this biography it was put together very well and it’s a fast read.


Death Punch’D


By Jeremy Spencer

I got my copy on the day it came out September 2 2014 and I have to say I am impressed with Amazon. I got it right away on the day that everyone else has to go to the store or try to buy it online. Which we all know is a nightmare when you are waiting for something you want to hear or read. Whether it be an album or a book.

Let’s look at it. See the pics below:


Looks nice, graphics on the jacket look nice, crisp and I like the colors, some books I read I think the colors are hideous. Also I am one those people who doesn’t even keep the jacket on, I like to read it without. I find jackets to fall off and distracting. So when taking off the jacket it’s black and red. Classy!

This book comes with….you guess it, glossy pictures in the middle. Cool, I like those. Can’t really get that in a kindle, your phone or other devices.

If you have ever read a biography about a musician, or any other person in the entertainment world you know it’s going to be a fast read. Not saying as a bad thing. If you look at this book or any others in the entertainment world the sentences are always spaced out and easy to read which is good. Just saying if you read a historical figure the sentences are always really close together and the book you can use it as a paper weight. Doesn’t make that a bad thing, it’s just a thing.

If you are a Five Finger Death Punch fan you need to get and read this book.

Bonus! If this is your first time reading a musician’s book you will be in for a treat.

If it is not you will still learn many things but you won’t be surprised about all the drugs and sex it will contain.

I will be doing a full review of this book when I am done reading it.