Last Thursday was Thanksgiving and it was interesting. I am going to talk about my cousin Korrie. Found out she is the same age as me. Which would mean you would think that she would have some manners, that is not so.

She is one of those people where it’s all about me, me and me. Which normally I am fine with, more about you is better than about me. However, when they are rude! I am not okay with that. First, she made lemon cheesecake which was fine, it was huge!

My Aunt Judy has been going through a hard time. She is 83 years old. Her husband (Uncle John) who is also 83 years old had a health scare that lead him to be in the ICU for some days. He had to get a pace maker put in they day before Thanksgiving. I was surprised to see Aunt Judy at Thanksgiving. She looked really tired which is understandable! So, I was sitting at the table with Korrie, my mom, Aunt Judy, Jeff and my Aunt JoAnne. Aunt Judy asked what is this wet stuff? Korrie replies “It is curd you dork!” That was appalling to me. I couldn’t believe she said that to her. That was very disrespectful. Aunt Judy brought that up all day and Korrie was super flustered which is good because WTF Korrie!

Also, Korrie has 4 kids from 4 different me. She was cleaning the table and we were talking about her kids. My mom said “I had to raise 2 kids by myself for a while. It was hard.” Which Korrie replies I had to raise 4 kids all by myself with no help.” I didn’t know it was a contest. My mom gave the look like whatever. The way she says things isn’t right.

Then! Then! I was talking to my mom about her puppy Tank and I was talking about Tex. She had to butt in to talk about her Maine coon cats who she is breeding. Tell us about her first litter on and on. Telling us she loves cats more than dogs. Which is totally fine! But my mom and I were talking about our dogs not your cats. She really can’t read the room for sure. Some people really can’t.

Nail in the coffin as they say. Talking how she is going to school for paramedic fire fighter. Which is a amazing but how about just say how you are doing instead of bragging about it. Read the room Korrie! On and on about school and how hard it is in her 40’s to this or that.

Funny, I was just telling Jeff I rarely don’t tune people out and think of other things. But there has been times where I would think of other things, mostly what movie I want to see later or I will think about what Tex is doing right now. Jeff said he is the same! It’s rare but does happen to him too. When Korrie was speaking, I admit I totally stopped listening and was thinking how rude this person is.

That was Thanksgiving. The food was good. It was good to see Aunt Judy.

Tank came for a visit and my parents of course.

Tex wasn’t too sure about Tank. At one point Tank bit Tex’s ear and it scared him! Tex ran over to me for protection. After that Tex stayed away while Tank looked around the house.

It was okay after that. Tex hung out with my dad and Jeff. I will have to say this was better than Yoda. If Tex and Tank were together again, it would be okay.

I saw my parent’s puppy!

His name is Tank and he is 11 weeks old. We went to see him on Wednesday. He is just the best! He loves attention. Instead of walking places, he hops everywhere. It was so fun to see something so small.

He sleeps upside down! Look at that white stripe belly! So cute!

I wore him out playing with him. He doesn’t make a whole of noise either. It was fun seeing him.

Saw April in her home. She is looking good. Her cat Sage is super happy she is home. I am happy for her. Going to have her charity event on July 27. Thanks to Chrissy. I hope it’s not a million degrees outside. Been absolutely hot out!

I am planning my sleeve tattoo!! I have consultations in Oct. I am going to get to half-sleeve lower of steampunk. I am super excited it’s going to be my right arm.

It’s my bday on Sunday! I will be 41. Wow!

On Friday going to see Chrissy and family. Then on Saturday going to see the in-laws for family bdays. Sunday is my bday and I am doing nothing.

Bad news I have a tooth that hurts but the tooth is healthy. So, I have to see another dentist to have tests done if it’s a nerve thing instead of the actual tooth. I have a severe headache that goes into my eye. All that helps a bit is Excedrin. I hope they can help me. I can’t with this headache. That’s Tuesday and hoping it’s a solution.

Last week I was so sick! Jeff gave me his cold. Ugh, I am not having a good beginning of the year. I am all better. But jeez!

I am excited for the rest of the week though. Time to have some fun.

Here I am again feeling mad about my family. I am tired of this. Ugh! FAMILY! We have a chat group of the siblings and I told Chrissy. I told her good luck getting money from Adam. As we are going in for parents gift every year. Then Chrissy said Adam you going in with the gift? Of course, Adam complains he has to pay rent and a high bill. I called him out because at this point I am done. We all have problems it’s called life. He complains so much and the others let him get away with it. I am done. This new year I am not holding back anymore. I am done with his shit or anyone else’s shit.

Something awesome. I am getting another tattoo. A lot smaller one. I am getting it Dec 26. Will share afterward. Excited!

Last Thursday was Thanksgiving. It was a different kind of Thanksgiving. We only stayed for 3 hours. Usually, we stay for 6 or more, depending on. We played a game with mom. We ate. Tell you what eating at Thanksgiving used to be so stuff can’t move. Now it’s so puny. Korrie my new cousin made the turkey and there wasn’t much there. It was so pathetic. I am glad to leave only after 3 hours. Not a lot of people talking to each other either because the Packer game was on.

I finished this cute penguin.

Mother’s Day went good. I made these flowers for my Mom, sister, and sister-in-law.

Chrissy really loved these. She was like how long did it take you? WOW! I love these. I think she thanked me a million times, which surprised me. That day was a good day.

I am all the better from my rashes which whew I thought I would have to see a dermatologist. I am glad I do not have to. I am getting another implant in July. I am looking forward to it and I am looking forward to finishing my tattoo.

Made up with my sister so Mother’s Day is back on. It was good we could move
passed it like adults.

My legs! Sunday, I went back to Urgent Care. I got another round of pills. I
was debating on seeing a dermatologist because I figured skin, they know skin.
But now I think I will wait. I think my legs got extremely dry. They felt very
scaly. I got Aquaphor and wow this stuff has helped me so much! I really wished
I did this first before going back the 3rd time but at least now I can
get some relief. Also, I am able to sleep which is so important. I was not a
happy person because I couldn’t sleep because of my legs.

We went to Ulta Beauty on Tuesday because I had to go to the dentist to make a
plan for another implant. I wanted to get my mom a gift card for there. I have
only been in Ulta one time with my mom. I don’t know, I thought it was going
to be fun to look around. I was wrong! This place actually gave me anxiety and I
was having a wonderful day. First of all, the smells were all perfume mixed
together literally burning my eyes. I felt like I didn’t belong there. I
wanted to look at the makeup but just couldn’t. I felt so anxious there. So,
crazy! We just got the gift card and left. I never want to go back there again.

I only did it myself but going through carb withdrawals. lol! It sucks. Oh well, it will get better.

I just found out that my town is getting my favorite coffee shop, a Dunkin’ Donuts I am excited.

I am unsure what I should make my sister-in-law for Mother’s Day. Ugh, I hate it. So, I am making flowers for my mom and my sister. I don’t want to make flowers for my sister-in-law as I don’t like her. I usually give her the ugliest flowers. Lol! I did that last year. But I can’t just make flowers for my mom and my sister as we all celebrate together. Ugh, oh well again. It is what it is. I just don’t like the fact I have to waste my time making something for someone who I don’t want to. I am just going to do it anyways.

I feel better from Covid took forever. There are some side effects I have noticed from having Covid. One thing is some coffee that I liked before doesn’t taste great anymore. That sucks. Another thing is I think Covid damaged the nerve in my jaw. I gotta talk to my dentist when I see him later this year on seeing someone to take a look at it. I went for a cleaning and my teeth are doing great but OMG my jaw hurt so bad later that day and the next day and the next. It felt like I fell on my face hard. I couldn’t talk that much or eat because my jaw hurt so bad. It didn’t feel like any one tooth it felt like my whole jaw was in pain. When I first got Covid my mouth hurt really badly for a good week. Then it started to get better till I went to the dentist and had to hold up my mouth open. I really think it’s a nerve in my jaw. I feel better now but it could hurt in the future. So, gonna see what can be done about that.