Our baby Tex is sick. He has a kennel cough. Called the vet but couldn’t get in. But they did prescribe some coughing pills. Trying to make him feel better. He is eating and drinking and acting fine just coughing fits. We feel so bad for him.

We have a Dunkin’ in our town! Jeff went out of his way one morning and got me a coffee. I have to say they are just as good as the one we like in Green Bay. So excited. I can be excited for coffee. lol!

I finished these eyeball coasters. Turned out great!

I made this tiger too:

Not a whole lot going on this week. I got this project done and I don’t really like it. lol!

It’s okay. I don’t like the finished project. Also, never glued a project like his altogether. There was hardly any sewing.

Last week I was in terrible pain again! My mouth what am I supposed to do? Feel like all my teeth want to come out. Why? So again went to the dentist. I told the lady “I bet you see me on the schedule and think: Oh no not her again.” I chuckled. She said oh no that’s not what we think or I think. I think oh no! I hope it’s nothing serious. We chuckled about it. We have that Life 360 app where it tracks where someone goes in the car. It says that I have been to the dentist 20 times this year! Crazy!

My lower tooth was hurting really badly. I was very frustrated and cried a little because I am so frustrated with my teeth. What the hell is going on?! I saw the dentist and I thought he was going to be like I said before. “Oh no not her.” But he wasn’t like that. I don’t know why I think the worse of people. I told him which tooth hurt really badly. He said he couldn’t find anything wrong with that one. I was thinking oh no not again! Will he help me or not? Because that is how this all started my other dentist wouldn’t help me. So I found this dentist. But I was wrong which is good. He took an x-ray and showed me that nothing is wrong with the tooth but if I wanted it out, he would take it out. But he rather I kept it. Then he asked do you grind or clench your teeth at night? *Sigh* Yes I clench my teeth at night not all nights but yes some nights. He said he could tell. His plan was to keep the tooth but make adjustments so it wouldn’t hit my upper teeth. Which they grind it down a little, I have had that done before. It’s no big deal. He suggested a nightguard and I finally gave in to getting one. I thought it was going to be really expensive but no. It was only $50 dollars. Awesome!

That night after seeing the dentist a little bump came out. I freaked out a little bit because it was hard and I didn’t know what it was. Also, that’s the place it hurt before and then. Last Friday I went back and told him where the spot was. He felt and was like that’s part of you. It’s part of your jaw. Sometimes the bone will protrude out and have a bump. They are usually harmless but I can give you two options. Option one is I cut open your gums, shave off the bone, and put in some stitches that should take care of it. Option two I give you lidocaine and you put that on before every meal. Hmmm, which option do you think I choose?

Option 2! I told him that sounded scary option one. He was like really? I am like yes! So scary! I don’t want to do that. So I got my night guard. I only have seven teeth on top. I tried the over-the-counter mouth guard and I couldn’t get it molded. I am glad I went with the dentist one. Look how small it is. Lol!

It looks blue in the pic but it’s actually purple. I thought I was going to hate it but I actually like it. Now I don’t wake up with a sore jaw from clenching all night. Also, lidocaine tastes like fruit punch. LOL! It smells like fruit punch too. It’s weird. But it’s been helping with that nub in my jaw. So I hope it all gets better. I rather save teeth than take them out if possible.

I made this sweet treat wreath. It was easier than the Owl wreath. I have to say I do like the owl one better but I like this one. It had more tiny pieces with it. I like that this wreath is sparkly. I added the extra flair all around because I mean they give you extra sequins and pearls. Why not use them.


Last week Jeff fell down at work. His own fault but still falling down as an adult really sucks. His leg somehow got wrapped up in his headphone cord and it tripped him. He fell on his knee and DAMN! The bruises he has is crazy! I also think he pulled some muscles too. Thankfully his work lets him work from home. He worked most of last week and some of this week from home to heal.

My mom came over on Monday. She really is into diamond painting now and knows I have been doing it now for a couple of years. She came over and we diamond painted. She is doing people with umbrellas and I am doing another very colorful owl.

I got this a week ago. After mom left I had this much done.

Friday I finished it!

Cross Stitch Mania

I have been cross stitching so much! I am in that kind of mood again to do more cross stitching. The one I am most proud of is the one I made for Adam for Christmas.

I know Adam’s favorite scary movies is Jason. I think it turned out great!

Jeff wanted this one so I did it. He picked out the colors. LOL! I do love this one.

I just finished this one. I thought it was so cute! I had to do this. Dino Christmas and he’s blue like my favorite color.

This one just makes me happy when looking at it. The pattern calls for white Aida but I thought the black would make it stand out more. I changed the coloring on the pattern too, to rainbow. I think it turned out great!

This is the first one I started with. I think the pic doesn’t do it justice but it’s a pumpkin candle.


Last weekend we did pumpkins. Of course, Jeff did an amazing job. Mine well…..not so much. Lol! One of the pumpkins looks odd. I tried to fix it but it didn’t turn out too well.

I did the ones on the left. Jeff did the ones on the right. The first and third pumpkins I did, I got from my Uncle’s farm. They gave the best seeds!

Tex was so interesting in us carving pumpkins. It was funny to see him be so serious watching us. Lol!


Been working on Christmas presents. And…owie! My tennis elbow is really acting up. Ugh.

So far I made two mermaids but still have to make their faces. The green one is for my mom. It’s industrial beachy that is the theme to my mom’s house. I didn’t know it was a real thing but it is. The second one is for Bree. Terrible yarn! I got Mary Maxium Prisim yarn. I got that one because it had pastel colors. It was terrible yarn. It frayed so easily and took forever to get to the other colors. It was mostly pink.








I have also been working on the diamond painting. I forget how long it takes to do. But I love this project so much! It’s coming together.











I did it! I finished diamond painting and I can say I liked doing it. Now I have to find another one to do.







I was watching YouTube and came across making a terrarium with a light bulb. I had to make one. I used a real light bulb didn’t know you could buy them with a screw lid till later but I like how it came out. Also the ones with the screw lid I found to be expensive this only only cost me a littler over a dollar to make since I had all the materials. I bought the light bulbs and messed up one. Glad there were two in the package.








Jeff helped me take out the center part of the bulb. This is dangerous as it’s glass. We both wore protective gloves. Jeff also helped with the copper wire. He had some since well you know Jeff he has like every tool ever and stuff. Lots and lots of stuff to work with. Lol!








I used sand from sandbags we had. Dirt and moss I found out in the yard along with a stick. Then I used a straw and added some water to create the atmosphere.


Been wanting to work on something that doesn’t take up a lot of space. So I saw this doll on YouTube and I just knew I have to make it. I made a prototype.









Her hair and skirt were hard to make! But she is the first. I have some ideas that I want to do with the other ones I am going to make. I made her on my 24 peg loom.

Resident Evil

OMG! Resident Evil!

I am doing a happy dance. Resident Evil came out with another movie Vendetta! I so loved it! Finally another animated movie.

They made Chris younger looking. I like it, I like his new look. I was thinking that Chris looked to have too much muscle and old sort of. I mean technically he would be older but in Resident Evil 6 he was not looking too good. I so hope they keep him looking like this. I love it as he is one of my 3 favorite characters.

Yes I am still sad Wesker is dead. He was the ultimate bad guy.

Finally a movie with Rebecca Chambers! She is one of those characters that I wonder about. Like where does she fit in as the series moves on and how come they put her more into the series. She is a wonderful character.

Of course it had Leon. Have to have Leon! I like he is a complicated character and really never looks any different. He is such a badass.

I like how they improved the zombie. Zombie walking dead but more improved as they can target friend or foe. Now come on that is pretty damn cool! The villain was good too and totally had the grotesque monster as Resident Evil always have.

Oh they had the zombie dogs! Thinking of zombie dogs those things are hard to kill. In the game would always jump scare me as they come out of nowhere.

Please keep making animated Resident Evil movies.