Since nothing really happening this week. I would like to write about Koko.
I love him but he came with this problem ever since we got him. Like every dog he gets nervous and is understandable when we moved. He had no idea what was going on. He gets a pass on that. But every so often he goes at his problem. His problem is he has this sore on his leg and when we got him it was bad. It was an open sore that bled a lot. The owner said that it was an easy fix. NO! No it’s not an easy fix.
One time we asked a vet what it was. The vet said he must of gotten his leg caught by a fence and tore it open. It was not treated right or properly and because of that he will always have it. It’s on his front leg and you can feel the scar tissue in the leg. Poor Koko!
Anyway when he gets nervous liked when we moved he picked at it. We try to stay ahead of it and wrap it with some Neosporin if we can. Before he makes it bleed. If he gets it where it bleeds it takes longer to heal. At random times he will pick at it and that is the part we don’t understand. Like he will be okay for long periods of time then all of sudden he goes at it. That part sucks. Also over the years we have had different treatments through the vet. We did a laser treatment and that didn’t work also thought it was a waste of money. Tried medicine for it too and that didn’t work. The only method that works is what we do at home.
Koko has to wear his lamp shade. Funny! But it’s the only sure way he won’t pick at it. Years ago Jeff found a Comfy Cone that is what the brand name is. It’s soft and not that hard plastic you get at the vet. So he can wear that and it won’t be too hard for him to get around and he won’t pick at his leg. This week we had to get him a new since he wore out his old one. He had that Comfy Cone for years! It finally died. Funny!
Hanging out with his new Comfy Cone. I hope soon it heals so he can be regular Koko again.