We finished the lighthouse! And it’s gorgeous! On Saturday August 20 2015 we went to my parent’s house to present my mom with her early birthday present. My mom was so surprised! The lighthouse is taller than my mom. Too funny! She really loved it and that is the best part.
I finished the cross stitch of the flags! It’s so cool. I can’t wait to put it in a frame and hang it in my house. With this project I made the least mistakes I have ever made which for me that great.
My next cross stitch project is Rick Grimes from the Walking Dead. I am making it for Jeff. I got the pattern off of Ebay. We had to go to a store just to get all the thread for him. It’s over forty DMC threads! That is the largest project I have ever done. Jeff said at least it’s not a gold project. Have you seen those gold cross stitch patterns? They are hard I know have done a couple. This project is more like a diamond project. I just know it’s going to be a lot of blending. But I am up for the challenge and can’t wait to start it. Of course I say that now.