7. Right-means in agreement. I use this one a lot.
Can you believe new Sherlock episodes only come on every two years? Right!
That movie was great! Right!
8. Pumped-is a feeling of total excitement.
I am really pumped to go to the party.
Are you pumped to go shopping?
9. Yo-used instead of hi or hello. I used this in the 90’s but I rarely use this term now.
Yo how’s it going?
Yo how are you?
7. Sicker than a dog-means you are really sick. This idiom came to be because dogs rarely get sick and when they do it’s really bad.
I can’t go to work today because I am sicker than a dog.
How are you? I am sicker than a dog.
8. Bend over backwards-To do a lot of things for a person or group. You can use it as a negative or a positive. However a lot of people use it as a negative.
I bend over backwards for him and he doesn’t say thanks.
I bend over backwards for the reading group but it’s worth it.
9. For the record-means to state facts and to remember later.
For the record this is not chicken this is turkey.
For the record I did not break your window.