
Watched NASCAR yesterday and they had this crazy glitch going on. At first it was funny but after what felt like forever, it was getting annoying. We checked if the other channels on the TV worked and they did so it had to be NASCAR’s problem. Last stage they kept showing Harvick and Logano racing and the quality kept getting worse and worse. Till it looked like a 90’s video game. Which made us not see most of the that stage, that sucked. They finally fixed it so we could see the last 83 laps. Hope that doesn’t happen again.

I learned how to make flowers and gotten pretty good at it.






Also this weekend Guilherme Marchi made 600 qualifying rides! That’s amazing!


This morning seem like someone was hitting out house.





Rain and hail this morning. I am all for storms but not hail.


I hold athletes in a different standard then I do regular people and with good reason. We see them and see how they act. That is one really good reason why I like Aaron Rodgers. He is a good athlete however he knows how to act on camera.

We all get mad and instead of fists, I would think it would be acceptable to let some swears go. Maybe get in someone’s face but never hit or get into a fight.

The reason I was thinking this is yes I like NASCAR now. Ha! I am a newbie but I do love watching it. If anyone saw the race yesterday, they saw Joey Logano and Kyle Busch get into it. They are athletes and they drive cars that could kill each other. I would see if Kyle Busch went over to Joey Logano and got in his face maybe exchange some unfriendly words. However not let their fists do the talking.

The reason why is kids look up to them maybe one would want be them one day. If they saw this and said ‘yeah this okay to do’ they are wrong. I lost respect for Kyle Busch for sure. He is the one who threw the first bunch and yeah I don’t agree what Joey Logano did with his car but he didn’t fight. I also noticed that Kyle Busch is a bit of whiny guy. He complained for the first race that his Goodyear tires sucked. I see other cars that have problems and they aren’t blaming anyone just the attitude of finding the problem for the next race.

I am starting to figure out the true athletes of NASCAR are.



January 20 we got a new president. I am a bit sad not because we got a new president no, I am sad how people reacted. The rioting was unnecessary. Basically destroying and hurting others for nothing. Businesses destroyed and what does that accomplish? Nothing just ruining someone’s business they worked hard for. Didn’t change who was president.

Also there was a huge women’s march. Here is my thing I am a woman and I am pro life. So the march didn’t apply to me. However if I were to say that or even put it on my FB page I would get attacked. Isn’t that unfair? Supposed to be country of free thinkers yet I think that is a disguise. You think freely and have opinion as long as it follows everyone else. If you have a Republican way of thinking you are also wrong and a woman! So wrong!

Dumb right?


Anyway I have a Republican way of thinking sometimes and sometimes I have Democrat why of thinking there for I am an Independent. Have been for a long time even though I grew up in a Republican family. I also think I live in the best country for women! Therefore I think the march was dumb. I think of the other countries where women are still what it was like here in the nineteen hundreds and before that. I think my country can be consisted of a bunch of cry babies. Especially Democrats. When President Obama was elected Republicans didn’t act like that. They didn’t riot or hurt others.

The political game is complicated! And there will always be people that have the harshest opinions about things. Welcome to the human race. That doesn’t mean hurt others or property. That doesn’t mean my opinion counts less because I disagree.

Whew! I feel better now.

Saturday Jeff and I installed a toilet. I have never installed a toilet before. Our old toilet:








Was old as me 33 years old! So basically as old as our house. No wonder we couldn’t find kits to fix it. It has gotten to the point where it would run and run no way to stop it other than turning off the water.

So the toilet we were going to put in the actual bathroom ended up going in the laundry room.








This toilet can flush a bucket of golf balls not that we would though. Ha! It was hard for me becuase it was heavy! The wax ring was hard to get cleaned off as well to put the new one in.

Wow the Packers sucked! I had a feeling that the Packers were going lose but I didn’t think that fast. My prediction was going to lose in the second half of the game. So wrong. I only thought that because they barely won last week.  The Packers played like they didn’t want to go to the Superbowl. Too bad! I knew that Falcons were good this year and they showed it yesterday.

Tomorrow January 24 is my dad’s birthday! He will be 62. Tomorrow I am going to Optivision in Green Bay to see if I can get Lasik. I am excited and hope that I am a candidate. Life without glasses would be so cool! I have had glasses since second grade. Tomorrow Jeff and I will go to my appointment then stop by Dunkin Donuts. Get some coffee and donuts then go to my dad’s house. We will have dessert first while we wait for mom to get home from work. Jeff and I are taking dad and mom out dinner for his birthday. I think will be fun.

Go Pack Go

I can’t believe it but the Packers are on their way! Wow that was an exciting game last Sunday. Not sure how they are going to win against the Falcons because they are good this year.

Last Sunday was fun even though the guys wussed out. The ‘guys’ said “hey lets have margaritas!” And Jeff and I are like okay we will buy the Tequila.









Tequila isn’t cheap either so I am a bit mad about that, cost us about 27 dollars. They only had maybe a couple cups of margaritas. Lame! Anyway Jeff asked Dawn what Antonio drinks because he likes Tequila and this was it. All the Tequilas where up there in price and this one wasn’t as bad as some of the others but still had to buy it. Also we don’t really drink Tequila so this will sit in our pantry. Thanks guys! We are trying hard to pay off debt this year so that is why I am a bit mad about the Tequila.

Another thing is Sam said that he doesn’t have a lot money. Yeah we know how that goes. So we told him he didn’t have to pay for some of the Tequila for that reason even though he offered. This is why this makes me mad, we are sitting and playing games and he says he forgot his cigarettes or whatever he smokes then leaves. To buy some! You know how expensive smoking is?! More than Tequila! That is the real reason why I am a bit mad because if he has money for smokes he has money for alcohol in my opinion.

Anyway watching the game was fun! The Packers did I say just enough so that is why I am nervous about Sunday. Can they beat the Falcons? I so hope so! The ‘guys’ are coming over again. They can eat but they can’t drink that is for sure. Food I can do but I am not going to buy alcohol no one is going to drink. Which by the way I drank a lot of margaritas and had a huge hang over on Monday. That is the reason why the ‘guys’ wanted to drink in the first place they didn’t have to work on Monday.  It was not fun and that is why I don’t drink mix drinks. That is why I am a beer drinker.

Also we have a lot of ice going on. It snowed then we had freezing rain and it’s basically a skating rink. It’s not fun. I am actually scared to go out to my driveway just because of what happened a year ago. When I fell on the ice and hurt my arm really badly. I hope it melts soon.