Getting it done. Last Saturday was a long day! A lot of standing. My feet haven’t hurt that much in a very long time. Jeff and I took out our old water heater. Painted the wall. Jeff rewired and repiped the water heater. I took off the old floor and put down Killz which is pet paint on the floor to kill the smell and other things.

The old water heater just wouldn’t drain in the house. So when we took out the water heater it did drain outside. The new water heater is so wonderful! We have plenty of water for everything. Don’t have to wait hours for hot water. It’s awesome!




Last weekend was the 4th of July. We went to my parent’s house. I saw three of my aunts and uncles. Some were leery about getting close to anyone and one of my aunts was like “Can I just hug you?” I was like yes! I haven’t been anywhere.

Everyone was there for maybe a couple of hours but Jeff and I stayed a lot longer then that. It was nice to chat with the parents.

Also on the 4th was Tex’s birthday! He turned 2.

We got him a Kong ball. Since Tex is a heavy chewer and he loves his other Kong toy. He hasn’t destroyed that we figured a ball would hold up. Tex loves balls it’s his favorite toy.

Back up to last Wednesday July 1st. Jeff and I did our first landscaping project. We have been talking about it forever and finally did it. We put down rubber mulch and planted some Hostas.




I have been dealing with my tooth since last year. AND of course it started to hurt when eating. “They” said save the tooth! Get a root canal done. “They said.” Well all that pain and all the pills. I physically couldn’t handle it anymore. The antibiotics I have been on since March. My body is like no more!

I called the endodontist last Thursday. He wanted to put me back on antibiotics. I told them it actually hurts worst then before the root canal. He said time for it to come out.

I at first really wanted to keep it but not for all the months of pain and antibiotics. They got me in on Thursday so that’s good I didn’t have to be in terrible pain for long. I haven’t had a tooth extraction with a crown and root canal done in a very, very long time. So I was unsure what it would sound like.

Terrible is what it sounds like. The crown sounded like someone took a jawbreaker and smashed it on the ground. I have never had anyone take a grinding tool to split my tooth in half to take it out. It was awful! For sure the worst tooth I have ever pulled. Lots of blood.

I had the worst headache when I got home and went to bed at 8 at night. I couldn’t handle the pain I was in. On Friday my mouth was swollen. I also have little cuts and I think maybe some bruising in my cheek. It was terrible. I hope it’s the last tooth ever to come out.

I was telling Jeff in my lifetime which I am only 37. I have had 15 teeth pulled out that includes wisdom teeth. I think the average person has 32. So yeah it’s a lot. I am going to have to figure out what to do with my teeth so I can eat properly. But I can’t till next year anyways.

Remember this stuffed animal we got accidentally by our mailman? He got a new purpose. I call him Anxiety bear. I have been having bad anxiety about going to the dentist(s) for my tooth. I remember when I got Lasik and they let me hold a stuffed animal when getting the procedure done. I thought why not do that at home. So before every appointment I hold him and rub his ears and arms. My hands get really sweaty too. When I hold Anxiety bear and play with him, I can just sweat on him too. I know this sounds strange. I have to say it helped so much! I couldn’t believe it. I felt calmer when I went to the dentist. I still do breathing exercises but they weren’t really helping me, alone. Anxiety bear helps me. I don’t take it in with me but just holding him before and the car ride over has helped.

Last weekend we got our living room floor done. Wow what an improvement!

We bought this rug. It’s doggy approved.


A few weekends ago we painted our bathroom. I keep forgetting to log into the journal. At one time someone painted the bathroom a peach color. Why?! I have no idea. I don’t care if was the 80’s. Peach! No way! Here is something that I have never encountered any place we lived in. Only one wall in the bathroom would streak. Like it looked like paint streaking but I could wash it off. I have no idea what that was?! Even when it was winter out that wall would streak. So crazy! Since we painted no more streaking on that wall.

I wanted to do a totally different color than tan or white or even off white. I wanted green. But not like dark green a light green. It turned out great!

What’s ironic Adam’s ex girlfriend gave us a picture with the same green. I didn’t know it till we were finished. How it matches. Lol!


Finally we have a bathroom! The guys we hired even though good were scatterbrains! Very irritating because they would come late every day and leave early.  First they pushed us back a week then they didn’t show up on the day they said. I was so angry that I was trying to convince Jeff to cancel the whole project and figure out something else. Like a different company or just have someone come and do the plumping. But Jeff wanted these guys because they were in our budget and they would do all of the bathroom. I was just so mad because we have been wanting to do the bathroom since last year and even wanted them to come out and do it since then.

Finally came a day later and only did some work and this was understandable found out that our floors underneath was wet.








They had to leave for a day so it could dry that sucked. Also we found out all of our electrical is underneath the bathroom. Whom ever designed our house made a bad decision. Why would you put electrical underneath the bathroom?

Took them almost two weeks to do the bathroom. Jeff and I went to my parents house to take showers. We felt bad for Scotty he didn’t like the guys even though they were nice. He wanted nothing to do with them. He doesn’t open a lot to other people.








They cover our old paint with a skip trowel method. The picture doesn’t do it justice it really looked like someone threw up orange in there.













Before and after. Looks so much better. Even though it took longer than we wanted we are happy with the end result. The curtain isn’t staying we want a door but we have to save up for that.








Saturday I was in the attic.





I look really happy right? Ha! I learned a valuable lesson ALWAYS WEAR A MASK AROUND INSULATION! Lesson learned. I didn’t wear a mask for a little bit and had some repercussion from it. I couldn’t breathe and I had a cough for some hours also my throat hurt. I am glad that only lasted the rest of that day.

We are putting a new fan in our bathroom as the one we put in last year is pathetic. This time we are piping through the attic and out through the side of our house.

Yesterday was Labor Day and a day off. We had to go to Menards. For a day off it seemed like everyone was at Menards. We had to stand in line to return things and wade through the people to get to things. It was dumb however I got Dunkin Donuts coffee so it was worth it.



We did it. We fixed the front of the house.









Looks great!

This week is my first of 8 weeks of exercising from Fitness Blender. I get up every morning and exercise. I have to say every morning I have no motivation to exercise but after I do it, it’s  like I accomplished something. I bought the 8 week weight loss program and every day I get a video and a bonus video to do. The only thing I am having trouble with is laying on my back. On Tuesday there were some exercises on the floor and I hurt myself. It sucked! Since I have bars fused to my spine. Laying on back I felt my bar pinch my muscle. Yes it’s a real thing that happens! I felt like crying, that hurt so badly! I did not cry though and it did go away later that day.

On Wednesday was HIIT workout and yes some of it is on the ground. I improvise like do the same exercises that is the standing one as they are doing floor stuff. Also I will never be able to do the stretching position cobra, not with my back.

So far though I have a lot more energy to do things during the day.  I think it’s fun working out with the team of Fitness Blender. It’s much different then any of the workout videos I have ever done in my life which is a lot. Also you can tell they are having fun too so that makes it better.


We decided this year we are going to replace all of the windows in the house. We have seven windows and they are all bad. Last year we thought about it and had Window World come out. Now this was last year and I can’t really remember the salesman or their windows but I do remember not being impressed with them. 

Next Feldco came out. Jeff wouldn’t admit that I found them and I think that is funny. Lately I have been tapping Judge Judy. I love Judge Judy she is sassy. Anyways one of the commercials was Feldco. They came out and I was impressed with the salesman he was very nice and personable. He didn’t make us feel uncomfortable at all. I liked their windows and the hardware on them. Also something I didn’t think about they brought up was when a window is installed it’s usually wood or white on the outside. The salesman said that these days people pick color to accent the house. We never heard that before. He suggested green like our roof and we totally loved that idea. The price wasn’t too bad but still wanted to get other quotes.



Tundraland Windows.

I say this because they are a scam for sure.

First I want to share a funny story. Jeff and I were chatting about windows and I said “Isn’t funny that the sales people aren’t young.”

The next day the salesman was a young guy. Ha!      Now not so funny:

Think of the ways to scam you out of your money for windows and all you have to think about is Tundraland Windows.

First of all the guy shows up in a very expensive vehicle. I think that is fine if you are doing well and you want to show off a bit. However you are going to people’s homes to sell them something maybe drive a normal car. It shows you can relate a little. Next the salesman proceeded to tell us he was a military vet who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq. After that he boasts about Tundraland and his boss and what they do for military vets and all kinds of charity. In my opinion is great but that has nothing to do with windows.

Also if you have to boast about the charities that is just stroking your own ego. Someone who boasts about that, loses some of my respect for them. How about just donate and get a good feeling doing it but not tell anyone. Or tell someone so they have the information to donate as well but don’t boast about it and make it part of your sales tactic.

Next he boast about all the awards that they have received. Again do I care about this, no. It’s not like I am going to look up all of their dumb awards or have any care about them. It was like twenty minutes about their stupid awards they received.

He had the stare into your soul look. Do you know what I mean? I hate that and makes me so uncomfortable. Some people who talk to you they stare into your eyes for long periods of time and it feels like they are staring into your soul. Creepy! I dislike when people do that but I can tolerate it.

Finally after an hour of bullshit he finally got to the windows.

Blog as you know I am shy. We have chatted about that. He made me read in front of him and Jeff about argon gas. I can in front of Jeff but in front of him too. And I know he knew I was shy because the whole time he kept trying to get me into the conversation and me made me read that. Right there he lost me. I got nervous and my ears got hot. I did it but later I thought why didn’t I refuse? Sometimes I don’t think about that stuff in the moment.

After that he showed us his windows and boasts about them and the hardware. Then he took out a heat lamp and showed us the differences between low-E coating to block the heat from the sun. That took too long in my opinion to show us that.

So after all the testing the windows and telling us about the windows. He asked us what we think they are worth. Jeff and I aimed high and still it wasn’t high enough. It was outrageous what they wanted for seven windows! This is about how much they wanted for seven windows eleven thousands dollars. I almost passed out! Eleven thousands dollars! Holy shit!

Then he did sleazy sales tactic. “Oh let me call my boss to see if we still have the deal going on.” He gets on his phone and you can hear the guy on the other line “Oh yeah go ahead and give them that deal.” Come on! I wasn’t born yesterday. They knocked off two thousands dollars. So are the windows worth eleven thousand or nine thousand. Oh here another move “Well the time I pull out of your driveway this deal ends. I can….knock off another thousand dollars but this will end when I drive away.” So now the windows are worth seven thousand dollars.

See this, what bunch of shit.

We told him at the end of that, that we would not make a decision yet. Then he pulled out all these licenses “Oh I am a license contractor and I do this or that. This company is the best I have ever worked for.” Blah blah blah is all I heard. At this point I wanted him to leave. There was no way I would go with Tundraland. They aren’t trust worthy AND there is no way for the consumer to know what windows are really worth. Someone who has to boast about how good they are and uses these tactics to make their customers is sleazy and not worth it.

Just beware of Tundraland and the tactics they use to get you to buy. It’s best to shop around and in this day in age we have the internet. The reviews for Tundraland are good and yeah he added that like a million times. What I do is trust my instinct about someone and their company. Too bad Tundraland thinks this the right way to show their windows.

One more thing he never left his card and the first price of what he quoted us. Also we got no booklet or anything to think about their product. Basically if you don’t make a contract with them right there and then you get nothing to look at. So once he left all I thought about what a shit salesman that guy was and good thing he didn’t leave anything I would have recycled it anyways. Maybe that is why they don’t leave anything.


Tuesday we had Wisconsin Window Pros come out. I am impressed! No cheesy tactics just the facts. He got right to selling the windows. No awards or charities. He did talk about how well people like their product they have to do that. The price was like this OMG! How about less than five thousand for seven windows. The salesman was straight forward and only took an hour to talk about his windows and he can also do the green trim on the outside. He even left some information and emailed us the next day on the exact price.

Even though I liked Feldco, I think we are going to go with Wisconsin Window Pros. I will let you know who we choose.




Oh wow! That crash on Sunday at Talladega was crazy! Chase Elliot’s car really went up. They looked like toy cars getting all smashed up. I am still amazed how a little push can send someone in a tail spin or a little rub of the car they tear like paper. It’s so crazy!

But wow! Ricky Stenhouse Jr won! What a finish! Jeff and I picked our teams to win. I picked Ricky Stenhouse Jr. I told Jeff someone who hasn’t won is going to win something big this year. And they did!

Jeff’s teams is Brad Keselowski, Martin Truex jr and Joey Logano. I have to say he has a good team.

My team is Chase Elliot, Ricky Stenhouse Jr. and Kevin Harvick however I think my team is doing pretty good.


Our house has a front deck and we advertised for someone to come and take if for free. We knew that the house has some damaged where the deck sit and wanted this year to address it.





It took a father and daughter team for three days to take it away. It was worth and they were very nice. We do have a lot more damage then we thought but it’s good we are going to do something about it. Also makes our front lawn look bigger.


January 20 we got a new president. I am a bit sad not because we got a new president no, I am sad how people reacted. The rioting was unnecessary. Basically destroying and hurting others for nothing. Businesses destroyed and what does that accomplish? Nothing just ruining someone’s business they worked hard for. Didn’t change who was president.

Also there was a huge women’s march. Here is my thing I am a woman and I am pro life. So the march didn’t apply to me. However if I were to say that or even put it on my FB page I would get attacked. Isn’t that unfair? Supposed to be country of free thinkers yet I think that is a disguise. You think freely and have opinion as long as it follows everyone else. If you have a Republican way of thinking you are also wrong and a woman! So wrong!

Dumb right?


Anyway I have a Republican way of thinking sometimes and sometimes I have Democrat why of thinking there for I am an Independent. Have been for a long time even though I grew up in a Republican family. I also think I live in the best country for women! Therefore I think the march was dumb. I think of the other countries where women are still what it was like here in the nineteen hundreds and before that. I think my country can be consisted of a bunch of cry babies. Especially Democrats. When President Obama was elected Republicans didn’t act like that. They didn’t riot or hurt others.

The political game is complicated! And there will always be people that have the harshest opinions about things. Welcome to the human race. That doesn’t mean hurt others or property. That doesn’t mean my opinion counts less because I disagree.

Whew! I feel better now.

Saturday Jeff and I installed a toilet. I have never installed a toilet before. Our old toilet:








Was old as me 33 years old! So basically as old as our house. No wonder we couldn’t find kits to fix it. It has gotten to the point where it would run and run no way to stop it other than turning off the water.

So the toilet we were going to put in the actual bathroom ended up going in the laundry room.








This toilet can flush a bucket of golf balls not that we would though. Ha! It was hard for me becuase it was heavy! The wax ring was hard to get cleaned off as well to put the new one in.

Wow the Packers sucked! I had a feeling that the Packers were going lose but I didn’t think that fast. My prediction was going to lose in the second half of the game. So wrong. I only thought that because they barely won last week.  The Packers played like they didn’t want to go to the Superbowl. Too bad! I knew that Falcons were good this year and they showed it yesterday.

Tomorrow January 24 is my dad’s birthday! He will be 62. Tomorrow I am going to Optivision in Green Bay to see if I can get Lasik. I am excited and hope that I am a candidate. Life without glasses would be so cool! I have had glasses since second grade. Tomorrow Jeff and I will go to my appointment then stop by Dunkin Donuts. Get some coffee and donuts then go to my dad’s house. We will have dessert first while we wait for mom to get home from work. Jeff and I are taking dad and mom out dinner for his birthday. I think will be fun.