What a vacation!
We saw the biggest aquarium we have ever been to! It was in a Bass Pro Shop, you know, where you can buy outdoor gear. It’s a store and an aquarium.
It was so fun to see all the sea life. Good pic of us.
We had so much fun! We even saw Cadillac Ranch in Texas.
We saw the Grand Canyon. This rock is called Duck Rock. It does look like a duck!
We had such a good time till Wednesday! Our truck broke down on the side of a highway! Had to get it towed to a terrible place (Dodge). Was treated terribly. Had to figure out what to do. Jeff had a great idea. We parked our broken-down truck at the airport and then rented a vehicle. I had the idea to transport the truck home. Unfortunately, it was money we didn’t have. That and the money really sucked. Finally, since Jeff is amazing! He figured out who was going to get our truck home.
Then we went on having fun! We just had to figure out not to spend too much money but still have fun in Vegas. It was crazy but we made the most of it anyway.
Jeff surprised me! We stayed at the Cosmopolitan Las Vegas. Look at this view!


Look it’s the Sphere. I really liked the Sphere.
Can you believe Jeff and I have been married for 17 years! This was my anniversary gift. To have the view and the sphere. I am obsessed with the sphere. Lol!
Despite the truck, we had so much fun!