What a vacation!

We saw the biggest aquarium we have ever been to! It was in a Bass Pro Shop, you know, where you can buy outdoor gear. It’s a store and an aquarium.

It was so fun to see all the sea life. Good pic of us.

We had so much fun! We even saw Cadillac Ranch in Texas.

We saw the Grand Canyon. This rock is called Duck Rock. It does look like a duck!

We had such a good time till Wednesday! Our truck broke down on the side of a highway! Had to get it towed to a terrible place (Dodge). Was treated terribly. Had to figure out what to do. Jeff had a great idea. We parked our broken-down truck at the airport and then rented a vehicle. I had the idea to transport the truck home. Unfortunately, it was money we didn’t have. That and the money really sucked. Finally, since Jeff is amazing! He figured out who was going to get our truck home.

Then we went on having fun! We just had to figure out not to spend too much money but still have fun in Vegas. It was crazy but we made the most of it anyway.

Jeff surprised me! We stayed at the Cosmopolitan Las Vegas. Look at this view!

Look it’s the Sphere. I really liked the Sphere.

Can you believe Jeff and I have been married for 17 years! This was my anniversary gift. To have the view and the sphere. I am obsessed with the sphere. Lol!

Despite the truck, we had so much fun!

April and I made up. I was pretty upset just because I was scared something awful happened to her. But we are good now.

I went to see a TMJ specialist. I was worried because the reviews for this place were terrible. It didn’t help that the nurse to help me had zero personality which made me even more nervous about it. However! The doctor was amazing! He had a great personality and absolutely knew what he was talking about. Also, he told me he would not give up on me and would find the answer to why I was in so much pain.

I was getting depressed about my mouth. I had gone to the dentist 3 times this month alone. The dentist keeps saying nothing is wrong with my teeth, but why do they hurt? No one knows the answer to this question. I can’t have them pulled so what do I do? I was crushed on Monday because the dentist said that. Finally, he said why don’t you see a TMJ specialist maybe they can help you. I was crushed also because they couldn’t get me in till August. Until a cancelation and I got to see him on Thursday.

I will see him again in August for an in-depth X-ray. They can look at the muscles in my jaw! That’s cool! I want answers to why my jaw hurts, why my teeth hurt, and how to fix it. I feel like he can really help me. I am happy for that!

I didn’t get my ears pierced even though I really wanted to. The wait was insane to get them done. So, thought of getting them done at a tattoo place but damn it’s so expensive. Now, I know I shouldn’t do my own ears but I am going for $7 dollars. Well, Jeff is going to pierce my ears. lol! Oh well, it’s happening this weekend.

WTF???? Pay money to get Tex groomed and it was shit! I told Jeff we have to get Tex groomed my allergies are bad. So, we took Tex to be groomed and they did a shit job! I am mad! They got shampoo in his eye and did somehow hurt his upper back. Went to hug him like I always do and he whimpered. Found he had a little bump that hurt. It finally went away and he is fine. WTF?! They never said anything about it. Also, Jeff and I brushed Tex for 20 mins and he looks much better. WTH! I mean that’s the reason why we got him groomed. UGH! Every pet place in our town is shit. We will find another place next time. Just ridiculous.

I am on a path of finding myself and it’s beautiful! I decided to go on a spiritual journey. I am finding I am worth more than I give myself credit for. I am starting to understand more about my surroundings and how I project myself. I feel this is the way to go. For years I have been trying to figure out God in my life. I believe in God but I don’t feel any kind of religion. This makes me feel good and I am trying meditation. Taking one day at one time.

I got an implant last week Thursday. It was crazy! It bled so much. It was swollen for 4 days. I don’t remember any other dental implants that were that swollen for days like this one. The stitches like always were bothering me. I am glad to have them out.

Last week nothing really happened to write anything. This week however I learned something I wish I had known before. Ugh! Yes, I am going to complain about my in-laws again. I just don’t understand. Because I know Melina is not Darlene but Ken should be the same. Used to tell us important things going on in his life so why isn’t Melina like that? We do the same if something is important we talk about it with them. They are family.

We had Father’s Day here like we always do. It was a great day. Melina was acting so strange though. She was quiet and that isn’t her. On Wednesday Jeff saw his dad at work. He told him that Melina’s brother had died of cancer in May. MAY! Father’s Day in June. WTF! I wish we knew. We could have been more understanding towards her feelings on that day. I understand death is hard but Ken could have said something. They are so strange about that. We are for sure no longer close and that’s sad.

Melina called me to apologize for her behavior on Father’s Day. I told her not to be and that I understood. She is one of those people that can’t grieve right away and could tell she is having real trouble doing so. Ken told us she hasn’t cried all that much but is depressed about it. Understandable. Just wish we knew.

We had fun with Tex. We took him for a ride. Trying to show him when he goes for a ride it doesn’t mean bad for him. We went to Dunkin’ and he had a pup cup which he loved! He was so tired by the end of the ride though.

I got to hang out with my mom on Wed. We went out to eat and went to the huge sale at Herrschners. It was fun. Here is my haul:

It is done. Our house and we love it!



We love it so much!

FINALLY! Finally, the truck has sold. Jeff met and negotiate with a ton of people for the truck. A young man came and looked at it. Then it was sold just like that. Jeff said he was a nice young man. He said this is what he had been looking for. So that was great! Now Jeff can stop being a butt. Lol! He was really stressing over the Silverado.

I finished this for Halloween. This one took FOREVER! It’s a list video. I can’t believe I watched all these movies!

On Thursday I had my stitches taken out. I have to go see the dentist next week. For some reason, my gums bloated up and they are starting to go over my screw. Not good! My dentist was actually worried. Gave me some prescription mouthwash to try. If that doesn’t do the trick, he says he will give me antibiotics to see if it will calm down. The best part of it is this all free to me. It’s all included in the price of getting an implant. Well except for the prescriptions but still that’s pretty cool.

My dad goes to the same dentist. I have been telling my dad since February that the dentist I see now is great! Everyone who works there is so nice and he should go. But he said that he liked his dentist. Then we got to talking about Bay Care in Green Bay. How you have to see your dentist then go there to get work done. It’s back and forth and costs so much money. For example at Bay Care when I got my tooth pulled in 2020 it costs me 200 out of pocket. At the dentist I go to now it was only 20 dollars out of the pocket of course with my insurance but still! Also, no going back and forth. He does it right there.

Finally, my dad went to see my dentist. He was so pleased! He said they took x-rays and explained everything in a lot of detail. Unfortunately, my dad needed 4 teeth pulled but were happy to finally find the problem with his teeth. He is doing good after the pull and happy with the dentist. Like I said he would be. lol!


Saturday is not only July 4 Independence Day, it’s Tex’s birthday. He is going to be 2!

Saturday will be the first time this year where Jeff and I are going to a family get together. We will see how that goes. I have heard some of my aunts are nervous coming. Anyways it will good to see them. No need for hugging. I think it will be fun.


We have been trying to sell our Durango since last year. It has happened! We said goodbye to our Durango on June 12.

The couple who came over and looked at it. They tried to strike a deal for a lot lower than we wanted. They came back almost 3 weeks later and said they would take it for what we were asking for it. Yay!

It took almost a week for the bank to clear everything and on June 12 at 11:30 at night they came and got it. Why they had to get it on Friday instead of Saturday. Maybe because the wife really wanted it since it was to be her car. She was excited to finally get it.

I have mix feelings. I am happy because we are closer to getting out of debt. But sad because it was a good car. However it did need work and there was some rust starting. It was fun to drive though.