Got one problem solved. I had to take out another tooth. I was talking with Jeff and now I officially have 16 teeth total. That isn’t good. I did not get my implant but changed of plans. Going to still get an implant where he took out my tooth. At least that is something.

One more week and I can see the doctor about my acid reflux. That means I can get another problem solved.

Jeff is getting his first cleaning at the dentist I go to next week. I want to know his opinion of the place.

OMG! The show the Last of Us based on the video is AMAZING! I have NEVER EVER seen anyone get it so right! FINALLY! Finally, someone made the show just like the game. I loved that game. I played it many times. So I know what’s happening but I love it! Jeff doesn’t play video games however he loves the show as well.

Video Games

It’s a video game extravaganza! The world has gone mad and I don’t want to be out in it. What’s the best way to past time VIDEO GAMES! I have gotten so many video games this year, it’s awesome!

I have gotten: Detroit become human, Beyond two souls, State of mind, Valley, Wolfenstein old blood, Metro Exodus, and a DLC, Layers of Fear, Guns gore and cannoli and Guns gore and cannoli 2.

Guns gore and cannoli and it’s a sequel is a local co-op. I have been trying to find games that Jeff and I can play for a long time. This one is FUN! I have seen the local co-op games geared for kids. So I was happy when I found this. When they say gore they mean it! We are playing the first one right now.

Today I will be getting Tony Hawk 1 & 2. I can’t wait to play it. Oh man, I remember playing them all except for 5. I skipped that Tony Hawk game. When Adam comes for a visit. I can’t wait to play with him. They say this game also has local co-op.

Truly a video game extravaganza! I even still have some games I bought last year that I haven’t play thoroughly yet. I also want The Last of us part 2 for Christmas. So I will be busy this winter.

Video Games

Early August PlayStation store was having a sale. I love sales! So I got two games and a DLC.

I really wanted Detroit Become Human. They had such a good deal get three games for the price of one. It was Detroit Become Human, Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. I have played all Quantic Dream games expect for Fahrenheit.

I didn’t want to play Heavy Rain again. Getting Beyond: Two souls was a bonus.

Let’s start with Beyond: Two Souls.

Spoiler alert!

Can tell this was a console ago. The graphics feel a bit of the PS3 and the dreaded fixed camera angles. I hate them! Moving the camera was a pain when it could be moved. I have to say I didn’t really like this game. I would not play again which it’s a choices game. Every time played can pick different choices that influence the story. I just can’t play this again.

It had this stupid fight game mechanic which I hated so much. Jodie got beat up a lot because of it. I couldn’t the hang of moving the stick in directions of her. It was bad.

I didn’t understand the first mission and its point. Also, Aiden is Jodie’s twin that wasn’t born alive. How did his world have monsters in it and how did they get in Jodie’s world? Why did they attack her only? Just some of that doesn’t make any sense. A typical Quantic Dream game. Doesn’t make any sense some of the story. Another thing that doesn’t make any sense is the character, Ryan. Why is he a love interest? He is an asshole! And the story shoves this character in Jodie’s face. I guess every story has to have an asshole. I also made him lose his eye. (Insert evil laugh here).

I played the last chapter twice because of the two choices. Then the epilogue a bunch of times to see all of the four choices when life is chosen. Wasn’t really all that impressed with the endings but this is a Quantic Dream game. Can tell where they came from and to see if they figured out how to do endings better.

Detroit Become Human

Living in the future and now there are androids. I got to play three characters in order of my favorite: Connor, Markus and Kara.

I have to say I didn’t like playing Kara because she has to take care of a child android which I figured out almost immediately but the game “tries” to hide it that she is android. I learned that Markus and Kara can die. Connor can die too but he comes back. Once I knew I can kill off characters, I killed off Kara many times. Hahahaha!

I like Connor because he is a detective. He has to work with a human detective. That’s pretty cool. Markus is a freedom leader and Connor’s and Markus’s fate intertwines with each other which is great. I don’t understand why there has to be Kara?

I have to mention there are some AWKWARD conversations in this game. Connor has two of them and Kara has one. Connor has a conversation with a cop while investigating what Markus did at this TV station. If of course, he saved from the first chapter. It’s really strange how Connor acts during this scene. The second conversation he has with his partner Hank while Hank is eating. Nothing that is picked makes this conversation any better. Kara and Rose’s conversation is strange! Same no matter choice it doesn’t flow right.

There is this one chapter with Markus that gives me bad motion sickness. It’s the chapter where he puts himself back together. I have to turn off the sound because it makes it worse. Every time I play it, I try to do it quickly before it makes me sick.

One more thing is the first chapters of Markus and Kara are super boring but has to be played because of Connor’s first chapter choices. I literally play games on my Ipad when doing these super boring chapters with Kara and Markus. I don’t understand why video games makes us to chores. I don’t even like doing chores in real life. Why would like doing them in a game?

This game has so MANY endings. More so then any other game I have ever played with many endings. I loved it. This is worth the money even without the other two games attached to it.

I hope that Quantic Dream can continue making more games like this one but work on the conversations.

Metro Exodus

I have read all the Metro books and liked them. So I have to play the games!

This game gives me motion like no other video I have ever played. I don’t know what it is either. I have tried all kinds of settings in the game but I still get motion sickness from this game.

So I can only play this game a little each time. Which sucks. It’s still a good game. Not done with it but I hope it’s close to the books. So far the games I did play are close enough to the books.

Resident Evil 3

I beat Resident Evil 3 the other day. Now I can write my own opinions on the game.

First this game the original was the first Resident Evil game I beat. I remember spending weeks on it. I remember how scary it was with the Nemesis chasing me. Resident Evil 3 was the very first. At that point I had Resident Evil which to this day I haven’t completely beat and Resident Evil 2 which I went back and beat. But RE 3 was the first.

I was excited about this remake. I loved RE 2 remake. So this had to be just as good or better right…..

WRONG! What were they thinking making this one?

I have 2 major problems with this title. One: Nemesis. When he showed up and the running away from him in the beginning. I was laughing! Not scared. He looks so stupid! I know they were “trying” to make him look updated scary but they failed. He looks dumb. I also wanted him to say “STARS!” Way more like I remember.

Second Brad. How Brad died. He is part of S.T.A.R.S. he gets bit by a zombie. A ZOMBIE!!!!!! NOOOO!!!! In the original he dies by Nemesis. Why didn’t they keep it that way? I have a problem with him dying by a zombie. He is an elite officer and he dies by a zombie. I hate it! Brad is a coward in RE. They could have made him a hero. Sacrifice himself for Jill in this one. I don’t understand why they didn’t.

One death I don’t mind that didn’t happened was Carlos. Who does die in the original but this one he doesn’t. Then are they going to add him in the later titles? Maybe one of the movies? Many questions on why they left him alive. Does he become Jill’s friend or more….?

I know Chris and Jill. But I never saw them that way. More like BFF’s.

Isn’t Jill the strongest character as well?! She gets knocked around with the Nemesis and doesn’t die. Crazy! I just had to say that even though she is in my top 3 faves just not 1.

Wesker, Chris then Jill. Are my faves.

Back to RE 3. The chasing scenes are the hardest and scariest. I am not good at those at first. Once I got the hang of dodging then they were bearable. I didn’t know this but now I am on my second round of going through the game. The Nemesis seems more aggressive. Didn’t know you could make him madder. Yikes!

Of course there are parts that I hate more than others. One is putting on the power for the station with the maze of gross bugs. I get lost in there. I still don’t like Hunters. They are still hard to kill but dodging helps.

Overall it isn’t a terrible game but it isn’t the greatest. RE 2 is better than it’s original where RE 3 the original was better.

If they do make RE 4 I hope they go with the formula of RE 2. Now RE 4 is a game I have only gotten half way through. It would be cool do actually beat it.

Games from the Resident Evil franchise would be cool if they remade. Code Veronica. I want a remake of that. It’s one of my favorite story lines and favorite book from the series.

Resident Evil Outbreak. That I have to say the one I played the most! There was a squeal but the first was the best.



Later today Jeff and I are going to see the Equalizer 2 in the theaters. That is always fun!

Let’s see…

Not a whole lot going on. I am addicted to Choices again. Lol! I quit for some time because I read them all. However they have this new feature after finishing any chapter you get a chance to watch an ad and earn a diamond. Hell yes! Ads are boring but to get a diamond yes I will watch or play any ad for this. I can’t wait for Blood Bound book 2 to come out. It’s my favorite book right now! I also like America’s Most Eligible. Reality TV and you are in it to win. Which means I can choose to play nice or not. I love it!

Let’s talk Blood Bound I couldn’t decide who I like the most but I am going Adrian all the way. At first I thought Jax btw love the name but the book does sway you to Adrian and I can’t help but to like him. Also Choices finally got the memo of you can choose to be with women now. Even though I am straight I always thought what about the readers who aren’t or both. Finally Choices! Anyways in my stories I am bi. I like all the options you can choose even though in real life I am not. I mean I am sure some would argue that would make me bi. First of it’s a game but I admit I think about it sometimes. However yes totally straight. A woman’s upper half totally find but the woman’s lower half no, nope, no way.  Anyways I like their emotions! Finally vampires in today’s world and love how they still have rules. Yup my favorite right now!

I really liked Red Carpet Diaries the first one. But now, I don’t really like the second one. I am sure a lot of that stuff that is being spoke about happens however it makes me feel uncomfortable. Which I guess is good writing but I don’t like to read stories about that kind of stuff. I’ll read it for the diamonds but makes me not want to replay this story or even attempt to replay the first one which I liked.

Okay enough about choices.

I downloaded Episodes. I like and not at the same time. First I dislike you can only play a story five times. Choices you can play all you want over and over but in Episodes you can’t.  I admit I get a little bored with Episodes even those literally thousands of books to read on there. I don’t understand what makes some books official over others because some that are official, I say official are the ones you can earn diamonds. Those Officials ones some are so dumb! You can tell a teen or a young teen wrote them. And there are some that are so well done that are not official. I don’t understand how they choose.

What’s cool about Episodes is that regular people can make their own stories. I found some that are pretty good ones while others are not. That is the other thing I get bored of reading Episodes. You can earn everyday by reading four chapters a day. But there is a catch just like Choices your first chapter of any book is free. In Episodes they use tickets instead of keys. That counts as a chapter read but if you are on the last chapter of any book and read it. It doesn’t count as a chapter read. And I have problem with that because like I said, I get bored of reading Episodes. A lot of stories of Episodes is about bad boys.  It gets very repetitive.

That’s my life this week reading and reading which is good. However I really need to get going on my projects!


I seriously may have a problem with this game. Because it’s a fun game it does have one flaw but I will get to that later. Choices is by Pixelberry Studios and they do have a website where they tell you about the game and what stories are coming out. I love this game because it’s exactly like choose your own adventure books which I use to read when I was kid and love them.

My favorite stories are:

Home for the Holidays-This book has no sequel.

Blood Bound-Which is new as I write this post. It’s about a vampire.

The Royal Romance

The Freshman

Red Carpet Dairies-This one I didn’t think I like but as the story went on, I liked it.

I have played all the stories now. So I am at the point of waiting for new chapters in the books. The only ones I haven’t played are the ones that cost diamonds to play.

The stories that I didn’t like or wouldn’t spend money on.

Hero-This one you get to be a superhero even though it was a fun story and I totally liked being a superhero it didn’t intrigue me to spend anymore time on it. This book is getting a sequel so I will play that when it comes out.

Endless Summer-If you are spending money this is a great series to do so. It’s long which is great for your money. Whether it’s keys or diamonds. For me it’s too long and the story is okay just takes a really long time to get through the chapters for me.

The Crown and the Flame-The story sets in medieval times and you get to play many characters in this one but that’s what I don’t like. I like the ones I like to play I get to choose my character and customize them somewhat and choose my own name. This book you don’t get a choice to whom you play. The story is good though and it has three books also this series is mentioned in the other books as well.

The Haunting of Braidwood Manor-It’s a scary story and no sequel to this one either. The characters are okay and mostly I didn’t care about them. That’s the reason I didn’t like this story.

Most Wanted-Murder! You get a partner you don’t like at first. Yes we all have heard this story before. It’s very typical. You try to solve a murder and go after a crazy person. It’s generic in my opinion. Also can’t choose who you are. You play a man and a woman.

It Lives in the Woods-Scary and mystery story. This one was better than the haunting one and you try to gather clues and weapons. That’s only really if you are going to spend money or have the diamonds to choose all the choices in this story. This will have sequel as well.

Perfect Match-As I write this, this story is still getting chapters. It’s about a dating service for your perfect match and a mystery. It’s okay seems a bit strange to me the story is rushed on the love but that could just be me.

Love Hacks-I thought this was going to be a good story. Book one was my favorite but as book two then book three came around it never captured what book one had. It has a good concept and of course love and friends but by book three it felt rushed then it just ends. So by it’s sequels I wouldn’t play again.

High School Story-This story is good if you are a younger person. For the age I am now it doesn’t appeal to me. I also find that some of the chapters are really short.

The series I need to talk about is Rules of Engagement. This series I hated and learned to really play Choices. So let’s talk about that flaw that Choices has. To play this game you need Keys to play a chapter. You can spend real money to get Keys or you can wait for a period of time to get 2 Keys. I will tell you a way to play 4 chapters at once.

Hint 4 chapters at once: It’s all about timing really. Isn’t that hard. So you like playing this game and want more to read. Time your keys so can play more than two chapters at once. Before going to bed click the book you want to read and go back to the main menu. Do not continue to read the chapter. Do this to two books you want to read. You have to have more than one book. When you get up or get a chance to play Choices you will have 4 keys to read with. Or you can do it before you go anywhere. If you time it just right you can really have more keys to play with just depends on how many books you want to read all at once.  

Diamonds is what you need to use for choices in the books.  You can read a chapter and earn one diamond which I find dumb. I wish it was more like two diamonds for a chapter. Or you can spend money to get diamonds which I think is better to spend money on. Since you can wait for keys but not diamonds and you need diamonds to make choices the diamonds are better for the money. However I know I am not the only one who thinks the amount you need to spend on choices is high. I don’t understand why they make the diamond choices so high. So you get one diamond per chapter but choices are anywhere from 12 to 30 diamonds. Now that is crazy!

Rules of Engagement this series I hated but I did learn a lesson from playing this series. Whatever you do don’t buy outfits in this series they are not worth your diamonds. There are some outfits in stories that make a difference The Crown and the Flame, Royal Romance, Red Carpet Diaries and Home for the Holidays. I found can make the story a bit better for the outfits aspect. However in Rules of Engagement they mean nothing and I learned that quickly in the series 25 diamonds for an outfit that made no difference. Wasteful.

My thinking is sort of funny. The other characters don’t change their clothes why do I have too. Lol! Even though they do sometimes

Back to that series the ending of the book is dumb it felt rushed and it just ends like Love Hacks. It’s like they couldn’t think of how to end the series so there you go end. Nothing else. And for the ending like that you never get to know what they have. Trying not to ruin it if someone is reading it. Just to let you know it just ends.

However need diamonds and can’t spend money use Rules of Engagement to get them or any other books that you don’t fancy. That is what I did even though I did spend money on this game. I always can’t so I did use the books to get the diamonds. Any app game you can teach you patience if you lack on that. Lol! Biding your time to get what you want in any app game.


Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5 touche!

Having a lot of fun playing this game and wow the graphics are awesome! I have played the story line refusing to give into the cult and the end literally and figuratively blew my mind! Now I am playing where I give into the cult. It’s cool it’s got different endings. Love when games do that. This time I am going to play more extra missions and such as well. I just wanted to know about the story line first.

I have only came across two glitches. One was an early mission where you go save Boomer. I couldn’t save him he just walked around barking at me as he is a dog. When I restarted the game then I could save him. The other glitch I had was this:







I thew a pipe at someone and it got stuck in the air. I think these glitches are funny and I was thinking it would be funny if I find an animal stuck in the air.

I have to say the main protagonist Joseph Seed is the creepiest bad guy I have ever encountered in a video game to date. The way he looks at you in the cut scenes and the way he makes you feel about your choices. It’s crazy! Usually the bad guy I feel yeah okay he is bad, he has done bad things but Joseph Seeds makes me believe on what he is saying he really believes himself.

I would say Faith and John are well done in the creepy factor. As for Jacob Seed I don’t feel he is well done as the others. Yes he is still a crazy nut but he feels more generic then the others. Except for his trials which I thought was hard and the hardest being the last one. Not like hard, hard but I hate the time limit and I usually get lost in the maze a few times before rushing to get to the end while getting shot a lot! I get it, it’s the point of it all. But it doesn’t mean I can’t hate it.

The hardest to kill in my opinion was Jacob and Faith. John was hard for me because I can’t do flying missions. I really suck on anything to do with planes or helicopters but Jeff isn’t. He’s great at those so I had him shoot down John and play the flying missions. I like that he doesn’t play games but will do the flying missions for me. I try though before asking took me a lot of dying before asking Jeff to shoot down John for me. However I do like flying then jumping out of the plane or helicopter that is always fun. In this game you can go base jumping which I do.

I think it’s fun to have companions. My favorite companion is Sharky. I like his banter it makes me laugh. And when I get Hurk and Sharky together even funnier because they are cousins. Which I didn’t know of course and I had Sharky with me when I did the Hurk mission. And that is another thing the companions are funny! The things they say. I like how they react to each other. I unlocked having two companions at a time and putting the animals with the human companions are awesome! Still thing they say about the animal companions is awesome. They really put thought into the companions which is so cool! Also I really like the music in this game.

Being a person who has never played any of the other Far Cry games I have to say this impressed me. I will be playing Far Cry games in the future.  Having so much fun!



I did it! I finished my book the story anyway. It’s strange but I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me. Now some more edits to finding an artist then I am done. I am on track to publishing my first book this year! I am so excited! I am making my dream come true. I am proud of myself for working hard on it and trying to do what I want. Once this is finished I can continue writing my stories and turning them into books. YAY!

Sam lent me some games I played Wolfenstein the New World Order. I finished it but not happy with the ending. Now I am playing Uncharted 4. WHAT?! This game is the most beautiful game I have played EVER! It was worth playing one and two last year because they reference them in the game. I am in shock how much games have come in graphics. I am trying to finish it by Tuesday.

For my bday my parents gave me money and I got Far Cry 5. I have never played any of the others in the series so it should interesting. I can’t wait to see how beautiful game that will be. I got some savings from it too for being an Amazon Prime member. I saved almost 12 dollars for a new game! So I will get my game on Tuesday March 27. I can’t wait to play!


I’m better per say. I got a sinus infection however depression is pushed away. Feels like the negativity cloud is now sunshine!

Even so my parents got mad at me over something super stupid! Last month my dad stubbed his toe. But this month it was still bothering him. So he went to the doctor and found out he broke his foot. My dad group texts everyone that he broke his foot. I was going to respond but I was sleeping then later I forgot. My brain goes to fizzle mode when sick. It’s not like I didn’t respond on purpose. He took it as I didn’t care about him breaking his foot which is a lie, I do care. So he got mad at me and my mom was mad I could tell that I didn’t respond. Isn’t that the most stupidest thing to get mad about? So after talking to my mom, I texted my dad to ask how he was doing. He ignored me because he was mad. The next day I texted him if he went to the doctor. That is when he responded. Why be mad about something like that. I really do care and didn’t do that on purpose.

Jeff and I drove three hours to Dodgeville and back home for a Ford Explorer. That was a long night of driving, six hours. It was silly because the maps took us through all these little towns. At one point granted it was night but we came up to a church with a cemetery next to it. There was nothing else around this church and the church was lit up too, made it super creepy looking! Finally got to the dealership around nine o’clock at night. I got to drive it back home as Jeff drove the truck. This vehicle makes me look small when driving. Ha!

October 25 we went to Witt Auto dealership and had the Explorer get new tires and all that good stuff it needed. Like oil change and it needed to be reprogrammed and such. We spent 5 hours there! It was crazy long time to wait. It’s nice there though. Even though there is one strange thing at the Witt Auto dealership in the woman’s bathroom there is no garbage in the stalls. Other than that everyone there is super friendly even saw one of the Witt brothers. Never been to a dealership that didn’t make feel like leaving immediately. I really hate being in those places. First I have no clue about cars so whatever they say goes right over my head with all those fancy terms. However there they explained everything in laymen terms so I didn’t feel stupid. Another thing it’s super clean and super nice in there! I am impressed actually. Also to pay for most of this we actually sold our Escape. The guy didn’t even negotiate the price! Also we sold the ps3 with a whole bunch of games.

I get little sad about selling my games. Isn’t that a silly thing to be sad about? I just remember playing them all and all the time I spent on them. Also all the money I spent on them like DLC’s. All I can describe it as “Goodbye my digital friends.” Ha!

Speaking of which didn’t know in Until Dawn supposed to keep everyone alive. Oops! I beat it once and I was done with it. I tried to go back to get different story line but you can’t skip the cut-scenes and wow some of those characters are so annoying. So I gave up trying to beat it again.

I bought Dead Island for my PS4. One of my favorites like I said before. But I bought Dead Island Definitive Edition.What’s the difference? Well! They fix some plot holes and the characters look better. They also fixed the level of hard it is. As I play and go further in the story more and more zombies show up that didn’t happen in the PS3 version. Also funny when chopping off limbs or heads they flop like fish out of water. HAHAHA!!! With this addition you get all the mods as well so that’s cool.


Until Dawn

I made a new friend. Well gaming friend anyway. It’s a guy Jeff’s works with. Oh! I got up to the Demolisher in Dying Light and can’t beat him. So frustrating! First I ask Jeff can I be Dana’s friend on FB? Jeff is like I don’t care. So I chatted with Dana and asked him if he could come over and beat the Demolisher and he said sure be over tomorrow. Guess what? Just as I thought he never came over. I figured because that always happens to me.

I should have just went with the person who I first thought of. His name is Sam he works with Jeff too. I asked him if he could help me out and he said yes. However while waiting for this I got sick of playing Dying Light. I started over to get better health and in the process got sick of it. Ha! So I was looking at PlayStation Network for games $20 or less to give me a break since Dying Light is my only game.

While looking I saw Evil Within which is on my list of games I want to play but I also saw Until Dawn. While chatting with Sam he said he had Evil Within and his kids play Until Dawn. He only said that he had Evil Within in disc form and told me he would let me borrow it and the next day bring it to work to give to Jeff. Here is the thing: If someone wants to borrow something from me, I make sure they have it the very next day. However in my case if I want to borrow something I don’t get it till days sometimes a week later. So I wasn’t expecting him to give me the game the next day.

Then he said he forgot at it home the next day which like I said I figured. However he said he would bring it over after work. What?! And guess what he did! Along with Until Dawn. Awesome!

I got them on Tuesday and I already played all the way through of Until Dawn. Until Dawn is choice game and they base it on the Butterfly Effect theory. So whatever choice you make no matter what effects the story. Now I love the choose your own games. They are super fun! I wish I could remember the title of the first video game I played where my choices mattered. I’m sure it was on PS2. I remember it being strange but it was the first time I encountered quick time events. However in that game if you didn’t press the buttons you died. Now in these games you don’t press it turns into funnies!

There are parts of this game that are annoying and of course makes no sense. I know video game logic!

Near the beginning two characters have to go another cabin which the other character says it’s just up the trail.  No it’s not just up the trial it takes FOREVER to get there. Now I know they are trying to prolong the game but seriously. The characters are a male and female. By the end of getting to that cabin I wish she would die. So annoying! In fact her and another female character are super annoying and wish for their demise. Ha!

There is one point where you go a an asylum that closed down. No electricity of course but that is to be expected. Here is one place where it doesn’t make sense. Your character goes to the morgue and you can open several slots where dead bodies would be. As you open them you can see that it is cold in the slots. That doesn’t make sense because there isn’t any electricity so the morgue would not be that cold. I know overthinking but for a game that made the characters look so realistic that could of paid attention to some minor details.

Also the game premise is I would slasher flick. It has jump scares and a creepy guy lurking out in the woods who you see from time to time. But then it switches genres. It goes from slasher to creature feature. I was disappointed how it switched. Would love it as a slasher horror game. Some strange guy out in the woods killing them one by one. But somehow in the middle there is these strange creatures that follow you and try to kill you? What?!

I like when you are talking to the guy who breaks up the game chapters and how his scenery changes throughout the game. The game graphics are amazing!

This is my second time going through the game as I know what to expect I want to change the story and try to kill different characters. HA! I assume some deaths have to be and expect that. I am glad that I didn’t pay for this game as it not as long as I wanted it to be. Since it took not a lot of playing time to go through it.