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“It’s that time again!”

It’s Christmas time again. This year feels different for me. First, I didn’t put up my Christmas tree till the thirteenth which is late because we usually put it up after Thanksgiving. I am just not feeling the Christmas spirit.

When I really think about I only like the traditions that Jeff and I have. Listen to Christmas music while putting up the tree. We watch the movie White Christmas before Christmas and then Elf on Christmas day. It’s the little things that I like.

When I was kid Christmas was fun. We celebrated Christmas Eve. We would go to church with my parents then come home and eat pizza. After pizza we would hide in a bed room and Santa would come. Then after that we would all sit down and everyone would take turns opening presents. It was fun!

As an adult it was not too bad till about three years ago. When everyone was getting married and then my sister had her first kid. The adult kids would exchange presents. I thought it was fun. We would put a name in a bowl and then pick one out. This way we didn’t have to buy a present for everyone. I thought it was cool until, my older siblings started to have more kids. Then that stopped. They all decided that Christmas was for the kids not adults. How lame! Christmas can be for adults as well. Can’t adults be kids at heart? I know that I am and besides I like giving presents as much as I like receiving them.

Now my parents and my father in law give us money which I am fine with. We just buy the kid’s presents which they open in like two seconds and that is it. There is no magic in Christmas. This year we are going to my sister’s house instead of my parent’s house which we are fine with, it’s closer. Here is how Christmas is going to go: Get to my sister’s house, my parent’s will be late because they always are. It’s just my family, parent’s and my sister’s family. My brothers will not be there for Christmas because my younger brother can’t afford to come to Wisconsin this year and my older brother only celebrates Christmas with us every other year. He and his family go to Texas because that is where his wife is from. Then we eat dinner, open presents, talk and then leave. Not much to it.

Jeff and I do not exchange presents either. We are really bad at this. Every year that we have been married we cannot make it to Christmas to give each other a present we picked out for each other. So this year Jeff just told me what he got me. I got some expansion packs for my Sim 3 and since he cannot remember which ones I have it’s better to ask. I got him 1 Million Dollars cologne. It smells wonderful on him.

I am glad Christmas is here though, so it can pass. Bring on the New Year, I am ready!

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