Coming up


Hi Blog! Next week I only have time to write you once. Next week are somethings that are coming up.

Monday June 29 2015 I get my dental implant. I am so nervous about it. I will show you my before and after pictures when it’s all done. I wonder how long it will take. I am going to try to relax when they are working in there.

Tuesday June 30 2015 we are getting a new TV. We haven’t got a new TV in years! I get envious when we shop in the store and you see those TV’s with the vibrant colors. Our TV is dull in comparison to what they have now.

On Saturday July 4 2015 we will celebrate Independence Day. We will be hanging out at my aunt’s house. I think it will be fun and also they got a new place. Haven’t been there yet. I am excited to see it. Another thing my cousin Alice will there, she lives in Utah. We are good friends as well as cousins.

Next week I will be blogging about a new and awesome artist I found. I am excited to tell you about him. I love his music it’s so great and I can’t stop listening to him.

Don’t worry I will keep you updated on all the things that happen next week. Just going to be late.