Cross Stitch Mania

I have been cross stitching so much! I am in that kind of mood again to do more cross stitching. The one I am most proud of is the one I made for Adam for Christmas.

I know Adam’s favorite scary movies is Jason. I think it turned out great!

Jeff wanted this one so I did it. He picked out the colors. LOL! I do love this one.

I just finished this one. I thought it was so cute! I had to do this. Dino Christmas and he’s blue like my favorite color.

This one just makes me happy when looking at it. The pattern calls for white Aida but I thought the black would make it stand out more. I changed the coloring on the pattern too, to rainbow. I think it turned out great!

This is the first one I started with. I think the pic doesn’t do it justice but it’s a pumpkin candle.