Far Cry 5 touche!
Having a lot of fun playing this game and wow the graphics are awesome! I have played the story line refusing to give into the cult and the end literally and figuratively blew my mind! Now I am playing where I give into the cult. It’s cool it’s got different endings. Love when games do that. This time I am going to play more extra missions and such as well. I just wanted to know about the story line first.
I have only came across two glitches. One was an early mission where you go save Boomer. I couldn’t save him he just walked around barking at me as he is a dog. When I restarted the game then I could save him. The other glitch I had was this:
I thew a pipe at someone and it got stuck in the air. I think these glitches are funny and I was thinking it would be funny if I find an animal stuck in the air.
I have to say the main protagonist Joseph Seed is the creepiest bad guy I have ever encountered in a video game to date. The way he looks at you in the cut scenes and the way he makes you feel about your choices. It’s crazy! Usually the bad guy I feel yeah okay he is bad, he has done bad things but Joseph Seeds makes me believe on what he is saying he really believes himself.
I would say Faith and John are well done in the creepy factor. As for Jacob Seed I don’t feel he is well done as the others. Yes he is still a crazy nut but he feels more generic then the others. Except for his trials which I thought was hard and the hardest being the last one. Not like hard, hard but I hate the time limit and I usually get lost in the maze a few times before rushing to get to the end while getting shot a lot! I get it, it’s the point of it all. But it doesn’t mean I can’t hate it.
The hardest to kill in my opinion was Jacob and Faith. John was hard for me because I can’t do flying missions. I really suck on anything to do with planes or helicopters but Jeff isn’t. He’s great at those so I had him shoot down John and play the flying missions. I like that he doesn’t play games but will do the flying missions for me. I try though before asking took me a lot of dying before asking Jeff to shoot down John for me. However I do like flying then jumping out of the plane or helicopter that is always fun. In this game you can go base jumping which I do.
I think it’s fun to have companions. My favorite companion is Sharky. I like his banter it makes me laugh. And when I get Hurk and Sharky together even funnier because they are cousins. Which I didn’t know of course and I had Sharky with me when I did the Hurk mission. And that is another thing the companions are funny! The things they say. I like how they react to each other. I unlocked having two companions at a time and putting the animals with the human companions are awesome! Still thing they say about the animal companions is awesome. They really put thought into the companions which is so cool! Also I really like the music in this game.
Being a person who has never played any of the other Far Cry games I have to say this impressed me. I will be playing Far Cry games in the future. Having so much fun!