On Tuesday June 13th I made my personal best of exercising. It’s exciting and makes me feel really happy about it. I walked for forty five minutes for exercise. I found out that our road sort of hits a dead end which I didn’t know. It just stops and goes to the busy road so now I know that I can only go so far down the road. That means pretty soon I won’t be able to keep going down our road. My only option is doing the trail.
What I really want to strive for is making the road and the trail all into one big walking route and adding my favorite part walking to the lake. The lake part would be the end. I love walking to the lake for a couple of reasons. One it’s nice and cool walking that way since there are few houses and mostly trees. Two it’s pretty! Sometimes I see wildlife. One time I saw and Eagle fly down and grab a fish. It was awesome!
I am trying to train myself to walk a marathon. My first marathon would be five miles if I can find one. Then I want to do ten miles and so on. Would be so cool. But first five miles of walking. I know I can do this. Plus walking around isn’t boring like being on a treadmill.
Also I am becoming stronger! My goal is to become strong. I want to be able to pick up a dog food bag like it’s nothing and I am almost there! That is twenty pounds and my next goal is forty pounds. The pellets for the stove is forty pounds a bag. I want to be able to pick one up like it’s nothing.
You can do this Danielle!