Happy New Year

I can’t believe it’s going to be 2020! WHOOOO! Happy New Year!

Let’s do a rewind reflection of 2019.

In March Jeff and I started the process of adoption. It had mostly good things but some bad things. The bad things were my mom not really wanting me to go and adopt. But that was just too bad. This is the route I want to do. Hopefully 2020 we will have a child.

Also wow it’s a process for sure! But the end result it will be awesome! Finally my mom came around the idea. Now everyone is happy to have an adopted child in the family. On top of that I didn’t really care if she liked it or not. It’s our decision and that’s final. Oh I can’t wait to see our new family member.

Speaking of family members, Tex. Who we spent a lot of money and time on him. There for sure where ups and downs having a puppy. However I can’t imagine not having Tex around. He is for sure a mama’s boy. Lol!

He has a personality like I have never seen. He loves balls, blankets and bones. Lol! He shows and carries around his blankets everyday. The ball is his favorite toy. He LOVES giving kisses even when you don’t want kisses. He is a truly a silly dog. I can’t believe next year he will already be 2.

I ripped up almost all the carpet in our house because it was stinky! Next year it will be replaced.

Came to the conclusion that nobody really appreciate handmade gifts like they use too. Except for some select people. Jeff and I agree no more handmade gifts for family since they don’t appreciate the time and effort to make them.

New Year resolutions: Continue losing weight. Jeff and I have been doing awesome. I lost 24 pounds and Jeff lost 80! We want to look like different people next year end. We are on our way.

I am going to work on myself. I am always a working process. I am going to try not procrastinate so much. It’s a really bad habit to have and this year was the worst. So in 2020 I am going to be the person who says “I’ll do it tomorrow.” To “I will do it right now or today.”

I think 2020 will be the year of growing more on the inside out. Becoming more of a mature adult. ( I said that?!) Lol! Going to try to make it a great year.