Killing Reviews


Books by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard

Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever

This the first book of the Killing series. I have to say I wasn’t as impressed with this book as I wanted to be. I just couldn’t get into it. I did learn a lot about John Wilkes Booth that I didn’t know. But it wasn’t as exciting. I was hoping for more than it was. I felt bored reading this and made the book even longer. However if you like to learn about our sixteenth President then you will like this book.

Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot

I knew a little about President Kennedy. Only what I learned in school and about his assignation. A little about the Bay of Pigs but I totally didn’t understand some of it. This book is easy to read and I understood and learned a lot more. From him being a young man to his death. Goes more in depth of him as a President. His relationships, his marriage and the crisis’s he had to face. This book was a fast read for me and it kept my interested the whole time.

Killing Jesus: A History

You don’t have to be religious to read this book. This isn’t about religion this book is about Jesus as he is in history. It doesn’t talk about how he came back after he died on the cross because that is the religion part. I thought I knew about Jesus. (Growing up Catholic and going to Catholics schools. I am not Catholic anymore but we discuss that later.) Anyways growing up Catholic I thought I knew all about him but this book tells you things you didn’t know about Jesus. We all know the story of Jesus but this fills the gap of what they don’t tell you about Jesus. When he was boy to his death. It’s a great read.

Killing Patton: The Strange Death of World War II’s Most Audacious General

I like learning about World War II. I knew a little about General Patton even saw that movie with George C. Scott. Great movie! This book is not just about General Patton it about others that made an impact on World War II. This book is my favorite out of the series. It keeps you interested the whole time. Love learning more about the Presidents during this time. It goes more in depth with them. And of course of General Patton. Wow! I wish we had Generals like him today. It starts out with his death. Then goes in depth about the war to about the man. This book goes into some great detail about the horrors of war. Some of the details are so horrific it made me put the book down to take a breather from it. The end of the book does go over some of the conspiracy theories but they state those are conspiracy not the truth. He survived World War II and then to die in an accident. Then no one is punished for it. Sad! If you like to learn about World War II and General Patton then I recommend reading this book.