Kung Fu Movies

I LOVE Kung Fu movies. Sometimes I get in the mood to watch them and technically they are Martial Art Movies. Since I don’t speak any of the languages in them I have to really pay attention so only sometimes I am in the mood to watch them. That time is now. Lol!

I will do scoring of 1-10. 1 being terrible no human should watch this. 10 being great and everyone who loves Kung Fu movies should watch it.

I Googled what to watch because I have seen so many in my lifetime.

Google suggested: The Final Master

The Final Master 8/10. Netflix.The story to me is messed up. I don’t really understand why they put a love interest in here. And really it isn’t a love anyways. All I can think of they wanted to show the Master has a tender side.

Here is a funny the woman says in the beginning she states she won’t be there for sex. Next scene they are having sex. WHAT?! ROFL!

Anyway it they should have eliminated the woman and just focus on the Master finding student to compete against all the other academies. Which look out betrayal! It does have great martial arts in it! I want to be entertained in a story and have the fighting incorporated in it. I didn’t like the end as it just ends. I down grade because of the story and end. However still a good Kung Fu movie.

Killzone 2 9/10. Netflix. This movie may go by another name but in America on Netflix that is what it’s called. I loved this movie! The beginning I don’t like too much. I know they were trying to make the bad guy be hated but really they could have done it better.

The bad guy as soon as he showed up I was like “I know that guy!” Lol! I have seen him in other movies. Of course the Grandmaster! If you do look him up Jin Zhang you will see he has been in a ton of movies!

I gave this movie a high score because of the amount of fight scenes in this movie is plentiful. You don’t have to wait long to see one either. The end fight scene is one of the best! I seriously watched it a couple of times. It’s just so awesome! The story is okay that’s why 9 out of 10. It’s very close to being perfect movie though.

Railroad Tigers 10/10. Netflix. This movie rocks! It’s not as serious as the others. Has some slapstick humor and honestly had me laughing.

Two words JACKIE. CHAN! Jackie Chan is in it. Oh man! I haven’t seen a Jackie Chan movie in a very long time. He can still kick some ass. I love the style of this movie. It has art when it introduces a character. Love it!

In this movie is Chinese and Japanese speaking. It’s so funny how the characters interact when they don’t know what the others are saying. That is a lot of the humor. And it IS funny!

There is fighting on a train. I mean how awesome is that?! It’s awesome! Not all Kung Fu movies need to be serious and this movie doesn’t take it’s self too seriously. Also watch all the way to the end they show bloopers.

Detective Dee the Four Heavenly Kings 9/10. Netflix. I am not always so keen on fantasy Kung Fu movies. However this is a good one. It’s Sherlock and Dr. Watson in this form. Also didn’t know this but this is the latest in it’s series. There are two movies before this one which I have to see now.

This movie has it all monsters, magic and Kung Fu! I love the visuals in this movie as well. It has a mystery of course it has to because it’s loosely based on Sherlock. Of course Detective Dee has to figure it out. This is a great movie!

Master Z: Ip Man Legacy 3/10. Netflix. I don’t care what others think of this movie. This movie is TERRIBLE! I give it a three because of the fighting alone. This movie is piggy backing on Ip Man movies which are incredible! I am a Donnie Yen fan. I have seen most of his movies and the man was in Star Wars. STAR WARS!

This movie is trying too hard and the story is terrible as it’s generic. It’s too bad because Jin Zhang is the main character in this movie. He is a good actor and fighter but this movie doesn’t do his abilities any good.

If you haven’t seen Ip Man 3 GO watch it now! Donnie Yen versus Mike Tyson. Master Z tries the same with a big guy. Ugh as soon as I saw that guy I knew right away that Cheung the main character was going to fight him. Like I said they were trying hard to out live Ip Man in general and it felt flat.