Last weekend

coollogo_com-300261661On Saturday Jeff and his friend Jeff. Yes they are both named Jeff. It’s silly. His friend Jeff sort of gives me the creeps a little. I don’t know why because he is nice. I just get this creepy vibe from him. Anyways Jeff my husband has what I call ‘his baby’ his Chevelle which he has for like forever. He finally got it out of storage. Now it’s at our house. He can finally work on it and someday in my life I will be able to be passenger in it. I hope so.






I know Jeff dislikes carving pumpkins but he is a good sport for the most part. We got pumpkins and he carved one. I carved two. I don’t care how old I get I will always want to carve pumpkins. It’s fun and I love eating pumpkin seeds. They are only good if I take them out of the actual pumpkin and not the store bought ones. Also Jeff cooks the seeds for me. It takes a day to do. I will show you a little later about the seeds. Here are the pumpkins we carved Jeff did the scary tree. He always does such a great job even though he doesn’t like to do it that much.

pumpkins 3pumpkinspumpkins 2










Last Thursday I noticed a bad taste in my mouth. I have another tooth that is going bad. I have really rotten luck with my teeth. And now I am experiencing emotional distress over my teeth. I practically live at the dentist office this year. I say emotional distress because I emotionally getting to the point where I can’t handle teeth pain anymore this year. I basically woke up on Sunday crying because of the pain in my mouth.

Today we find out if it’s another tooth that got to come out. I am going to say yes. This time when this tooth comes out when I smile everyone is going to notice I am missing teeth. And this year I was informed because my brother Adam is coming home for Christmas. My parents want to take a professional photo of the family. I can’t wait to smile with missing teeth. It will be great! Being sarcastic of course.

And that is a whole another emotional thing I have to deal with this year. Last time we had a photo of all us for Christmas you couldn’t even see me in the photo. What is the point of me being in a photo where I am covered up? I dislike Christmas as it is. Now it’s going to be worse. I know my mom chooses grand kids over me. I know I sound jealous but if you only were in my shoes and see how it plays out every Christmas you would understand. I wish I didn’t have to go to Christmas. I don’t care about presents and I don’t care about having dinner. I would love to have Christmas if we all could just enjoy each others company but that this not how it is. It’s all about the grand kids and how many presents they got to open.

During this time of year as well. I miss Darlene my mother in law. She died three years ago and I know Fall was her favorite time of the year. I miss her always but I really, really miss her around the holidays and Fall the most.

I feel very emotional right now and I hate it.