
While driving to MN I read.


I have read one of his other books A Goomba Ways of Life and it was pretty funny and fun to read. Actually Jeff got these books to read. But I know him he will never read them. Too bad too. They are booth good. This book made me laugh and has some good insight for regular life. I love the pics in this book too. Highly recommend this book.


Meh. If I could I would skip this book. Ugh this book is whiny! I don’t really like books with whiny kids in them and this one has one. The only good part of this book was the end. There was no real romance till then. Not even the middle of the book was holding my interest. Oh well I read it and it was painful.

I have to share this pic of Tex and April they are buddies! So cute!

Seriously I think it goes me, April then Jeff when April comes over. LOL! And this is the dog that chose Jeff. Tex just loves April and always wants to play or try and crawl in her lap. Ha ha! Look at that tongue that is Tex’s signature.