
Every once in a while I do one of those mask for your skin. I got this mask. I understand it’s for men but I had to try it because it had a scent. Also is there a real difference if a man or a woman uses it? I don’t think so.

NEVER do this mask. The spearmint felt like it was gonna burn my face off and my eyes. It burned so much! I couldn’t wait the 15 to 20 mins for it to set. It burned! This man looks too happy to have his face burned off. I have never done any mint masks but other scents I have done. Now I know no mint or spearmint or anything with mint in the title.

Jeff got me a gift. You know how much I love Resident Evil. I have been wanting this graphic novel. He said he saw it on Ebay and got it for me because on Amazon it’s expensive anywhere from 40-60 dollars. He got it for me for $6!

There is nothing wrong with it either. It doesn’t smell or have any pages missing. What a great deal and he surprised me. Awe!

Do I have to say it….I guess. We got more snow this weekend. I sick of WINTER!!!!!!