
What a stressful week!

My older brother, sister, sister’s husband, mom and dad all have Covid. Thanks to my older brother Corey. I was stressing! He texted me and told me he had Covid. Which we saw everyone for my dad’s birthday.

Jeff and I got the rapid test done. Within 10 minutes we got our results. We are both negative. That was a relief. I think Jeff saved him and me. We didn’t really hang out with Corey. We didn’t sit next to him and we ate in the kitchen and not with him. Also, we left early so we could watch the Packer game at home. Good save Jeff!

My mom has it bad though. She doesn’t have to go to the hospital but it’s bad. I hope she will be okay soon. My dad had more like cold systems and seems to be getting better. So you know worried about my mom.

April’s cat had to be put down. Poor Dee. Dee I have known since she was a kitten. I lived with Dee for a few years. I have seen her for many years with my mother-in-law, after she died I told April she had to have this cat as my mother-in-law had many cats.

It was so funny when I go to April’s house Dee would come out for me. Even let me pet her. If anyone else came over she hid. That’s silly. I feel bad for my friend. Losing a fur baby sucks so much.

Which is crazy last week April and I were talking about Darlene’s fur babies. We have Scotty and April had Dee. The last of what we know of Darlene’s fur babies. I was telling her that Scotty is starting to move a lot slower. I think sometimes he is all we have left alive of Darlene. You know like her memory. As April had Dee.

Then this week April tells me on Monday that Dee was walking funny. She took her to the vet and they said she may have had a stroke. They gave her some pills. But then on Tuesday, April called in tears that Dee can’t use her hind legs.

She took Dee to the vet on Tuesday. They ran some tests on her and said she has brain tumor. Also, that she went blind. Which she and I were surprised that she went blind. April said in the morning she was walking around okay and just being herself. In the afternoon is when she went down hill. I felt so bad for April. April had to say goodbye to Dee. It happened really fast.

This week just sucks. But glad to be Covid free at the same time.