

I grouted my project with the help from Jeff. Now I have to paint the sides. It’s looking good so far.






This year as you know I am getting another implant done in my mouth. Well I can only eat on the side I am getting the implant done and I made it irritated because of it. It got really puffy that I could feel it but then the swelling went down for a bit. I waited a whole month to do anything about it. Then I ate Mexican food and irritated it again with chips. So I gave in and called the dentist.  I thought she was just going to give me some medicine for it. Wrong! She cut it open and put the screw in it. Now I have to deal with the screw till May. It’s sticking out of my gums and feels strange.









I got another early birthday present. My mom made this! At the place we went last week. It’s so me and I love it!
