

I have been sick! It sucks because finally in Wisconsin it’s warm. Why couldn’t I be sick when it was winter? I want to walk and sit outside without feeling like I am going to pass out. I have been sick since Thursday  and I wonder when I will feel better. It’s all my husband’s fault he was sick and gave it to me. I am all for sharing except for sickness.

Anyway Jeff has been sick for a week and he made a choice to see a doctor. Usually Jeff will not see a doctor unless I nag him too. Our walk in clinic is attached to a hospital since it was Sunday we had to check in Emergency area also there was a cop standing there. After we checked in the lady gave us directions go this way then this way and then this way. I felt like I needed a map to find where we had to go. Until the cop is like “I will take you.” We had a police escort to get to the waiting room. I can’t make this stuff up! The strangest things happen to Jeff and I all the time. It’s funny. Also he didn’t do that for the couple that came in to waiting area after us.

When Jeff was call in I eavesdropped on the couple that came in. Their conversation was funny.

It was a man and a woman.

Here is the conversation:

Woman: Oh honey do you want me to come in and baby you?

Man: Oh yes! You know I can’t go in by myself.

Woman: That is right you will not ask the important questions.

Man: Oh I love when you come in and baby me.  You are such a good wife.

I had to get up and leave. I went to the restroom to laugh. Can’t tell from a computer screen but just how they said it to each other sounded so funny. Also this couple wasn’t a young couple either maybe in their forties. I wish Jeff was there to hear the conversation just because it was so funny.

People are funny when they think you are not listening.