I feel sad and mad at the same time. In December I am putting together the making of popcorn balls. I love making popcorn balls with my dad. We don’t get to do it every year because a lot of the other family do not want do it. So this year I took charge and set a date. I also am making sure how it’s going to go, to the time to the food, everything to make sure it happens this year. I would even just make popcorn balls with my dad and no one else. However good news my siblings and their families are coming along with one of my aunts. I have it all figured out doing this event. I think it will be fun.
What I am sad and bad about is my mother-in-law and father-in-law. Way back when I used to get along with my mother-in-law. Everyone would say how lucky I was to have a great relationship with her, then she died. Then my father-in-law got remarried which is fine. But I miss my mother-in-law very much especially around the holidays. Of course Jeff misses his mom too, all the time. However the holidays was awesome with her and I didn’t realize how cool it was till she passed.
We invited the in-laws to the popcorn balls event. The event doesn’t take place till December 16. That is a long ways away. We got an email yesterday stating they wouldn’t be able to attend. The email sounded so formal as well as we weren’t even family. Every time we invited them to something they cancel. They have never come to event ever.
Jeff asked the other day if we should invited them over for a Packer game. My simple response was no. My elaborate reasoning was if they want to come over they know our number. I don’t ever want to invited them to anything ever again. They always have some sort of lame excuse or just simply say they can’t. It makes me sad and mad at the same time.