
coollogo_com-10895297Why so annoying always?

For once in my life I would like to have neighbors that aren’t so annoying or mean. Just once, is that too much to ask for? I think not.

Have you ever live in an apartment complex? I have in a couple actually. Those walls in an apartment are thin you can hear everything! A neighbors having a fight? Yes and it felt like I was in the same room. This one apartment we lived in we swear that the guy was beating his girlfriend up or threw down the stairs more than once. The police would come over some of those times. Or they were throwing bowling balls down the stairs. One of those probably the first one. It was scary and loud. Same neighbor guy he would get so drunk and at three a.m. come knocking on all our doors because he couldn’t remember where he lived. Someone called the cops on him again.

A different apartment complex we lived in the lady who lived underneath us would slam her door. Every freakin’ time she would come and go. And at all times of the day and night. So one day early in the morning Jeff slammed our door really, really hard. So hard that she had people over and they all stared at us as we walked away. I am sorry but it was really funny. Come to find out her door wouldn’t lock and that why she was slamming it. After we did that though she finally had someone come over to fix but it was like a whole year of slamming the door.

The slam door lady was a smoker and we are not. She would smoke a lot and the wind would bring up the smoke to our apartment. At first I could ignore but everything in our apartment to started to smell like smoke. So was my bright idea. I took a can of Glade air freshener and just sprayed all of it out the window it was windy that day. So I know all that Glade went into her apartment. After that she smoked outside instead of inside of her apartment.

We also had a very old couple live underneath us and Jeff and I would love to Rockband. We would play till ten but anything after that we would get a broom in the floor. Yes they would use a broom or whatever and knock on our floor. We had a garage with this apartment. One day I was out there all by myself doing something with the car. When our old neighbor guy beneath us came over to see what I was doing. And also to flirt with me. This guy could have been my grandpa. Till Jeff came up and he backed off so fast. It was funny.

Then we lived in a duplex. The couple we rented from lived on the other side. They were so awesome for all about a couple of months. Then they sold to Jehovah witness family. They were so strange! They wanted our half but we had a lease. Also in the lease they had to shovel and mow the lawn. They would wait so long to shovel and wait even longer to mow the lawn to make us mad, I guess. We didn’t get all that mad. It was family that consist of two brothers and their wives, no children. One of the brother’s wife was confined to a hospital bed and all we heard all night and all day was her moving the bed. You know that mechanical sound. The other wife would write to Jeff and leave the letters on our doorstep. They were letters about her family or why she didn’t really like her husband. Weird shit like that.  Lady we laughed at you. Then when we moved they asked if we would keep in touch. That made me laugh even harder. Yeah right weirdos!

Then we moved to a house in the current small town we live in now. Our next door neighbor was nice but strange as well. Stu was his name. Anytime I would go outside he would want to chat for hours! And he kept telling me that I should marry the mailman. What? There was definitely some lose screws in that brain. If he saw Koko outside he would just come over and pet him. Then I will let Koko in and he would chat and chat on how he had dog. All the conversations were always the same. So boring. I started to make up excuses to leave.

On the other side of that house was wood man. We called him that because when it got warmer outside, he would chop wood at seven a.m. in the morning every morning. On weekdays! Can’t wait to do that on the weekends? Also our bedroom window was near his chopping block. What an asshole. The only reason we left that house is not because of the neighbors is because we got robbed. Went on vacation and came back with all our stuff missing. And guess what our neighbors saw nothing.

The next house we lived in was in a little small town just a little further then where we live now. The neighbors behind us would have loud parties a lot of the times. Also the neighbor behind us had a little girl that would just come over to our yard. Wanting to play with Koko. I am sorry the answer is no. I don’t know this little girl and I don’t want to be responsible for her. Not saying that Koko would do anything but still.

This house was the first house were our landlords were total assholes! We had to fight for everything. Our bathroom was leaky and had mold making me sick. They refused to redo our bathroom. We had to fight them and told them we will take them to court. So they fixed the bathroom. That house had no dishwasher. We asked if we can change or add anything. They told us yeah whatever we wanted. We added a dishwasher. When they came over to check on the bathroom the landlord threw the biggest hissy fit about adding a dishwasher when he told us that we could whatever we wanted. Then our fridge went out. All appliances they had to take care of. They had to replace the fridge. Fought them on that. When they brought over the fridge it was so filthy!

Two landlords’ husband and wife. The wife was a total bitch and was the instigator for the fights. When the husband was by himself he was actually nice. Finally we had enough of fighting with them. We wanted out of our lease and they agreed. Probably happy to get rid of us. They didn’t charge us for the rest of the rent. And we took out that dishwasher and made it like it wasn’t even there. We cleaned and then moved everything before telling them we wanted out. When they came back to do final inspection their faces were priceless! I wish I could have taken a picture. We had to do legal action like a certified letters to say they can’t come back at us for rest of month’s payment. They agreed. But their faces! So funny!

Now we live in this house. Still no luck for nice neighbors. Our neighbors that live one side she is a bitch! First time getting my mail and she was getting her mail at the same time. I went over there and introduced myself. She didn’t give her name. She just asked if we rent or own. I said rent. The is what she said “Well I hope you take care of the house and lawn.” And then she left. Who says that? Nice lady right?! (That is sarcasm.) They are so loud all the time. Always doing things in their garage and they like to chop wood in the early morning. What is with that? The window in our bathroom looks in our backyard but since it’s on the second floor they can look into the bathroom from their driveway. Our bedroom window faces their house we can see in their kitchen. It’s so very awkward. When the windows are open we can hear them and I assume they can hear us. Sometimes people walk around in their underwear in their kitchen we can see them. They can see us in our bedroom. That is why blinds is always good. We try to have those closed a lot. Or slink around in the dark. Also it’s so crazy. They come and go so often they can open their own cab stand. I don’t think any of their cars stay at their house for more than an hour during the day. I have never seen anyone come and go so often in my life.

On this lot we have a lot of trees. One tree branches overlap into their driveway. Instead of coming over and asking nicely to have some branches removed. She practically wanted to start a fight with Jeff. Asking if she can call our landlord. Finally when the landlord told us they can do whatever. They butcher that tree. Now when I look at the tree, I feel sad. They took off almost of its branches up in the sky.

Our neighbor across the street is mean as well. They have two driveways. One that goes to their garage. And one that goes to the back of their house. We have huge windows in our living room. That guy will leave his truck lights on in his second driveway and shines in our living room and not only that sometimes high beams in the night. He knows it shines in our living and he still does it. What a nice guy. (Sarcasm again.)

Please, please let our neighbor in our new home be a nice neighbor. I want someone who is nice but will just leave us alone at the same time. I don’t think that is too much to ask for.