Oh Brother!


My younger brother Adam just moved to Portland Oregon. Finally! He has been talking about moving out there for a couple of years. One of his best friends and his girlfriend moved there awhile back. I guess Portland is the place to be. Well ever since then he moved out there my younger brother has been dying to move there but he would always come up with all kinds of excuses not to leave. He finally had no excuse to go a couple of months ago. His friend broke up with his girlfriend and needed a roommate. So he called my brother and to sweeten the deal he had a job for him. So there was no reason he couldn’t go. So he did which is good for him.

When we were younger we were best friends. Of course we had sibling rivalry but again who doesn’t? (Unless you are an only child.) Anyways when we got older our relationship sucked. It’s too bad that he had to move away for our relationship to be back on track but I will take it.

It’s funny thinking about the past with my brother. We are only three years apart so life when we were younger was fun because he wasn’t a little kid yet still could be very annoying. Since I was older I could boss him around that was the fun part. Ha! I use to make him do concerts with me for our parents. Make up dance routines to songs and then perform them. It was fun to do that also I think that is what we are doing in this photo. Fun times!


Also being older I would always stand up for him at school. I was pretty protective of my little brother and wouldn’t let anyone push him around. In return when he got to high school he would do the same for me. I am a shyer person then he. He always had a ton of friends which I use to be so jealous of. For example Adam could walk into a room full of people and like know half them and by the end of the night know more than half of the people. Me I would know one person and probably only know three people at the end of the night. So yes my brother is a huge social butterfly. Anyways in high school I was very shy so he and his friends would sit with me at lunch made me feel like I belong somewhere. We really looked out for each other growing up.

So when we got older and we started to separate, it made me sad because I love my little brother very much. Now that he is starting to come around in life again, I am really grateful to have his relationship back.

Here is a photo of us in high school together.


Adam I am glad you are in my life again. I love you so much!

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