Happy Valentine’s Day

Today is Valentine’s Day and even though I don’t celebrate let’s face it a lot of people do. Happy Valentine’s Day!

I am a getting a little nervous as my eye surgery is this Thursday but still excited to get it. I still can’t believe it’s only going to take 10 minutes! That is crazy to me. I already got all my drops. I have to take four different kinds. At least it’s not nose spray something I really don’t like. Ha!

Last year on Netflix I watched a documentary on bull riding called Fearless. It was how Brazilians got into the sport and focused on just Brazilian riders. I found it to be very interesting. So that spark an interest in bull riding. It’s strange because I have always wanted to go to a rodeo. Just never thought of bull more horse. Now I put that on my list of things I need to see. I would love to go and see some of the favorites. Isn’t that funny! I have favorites.

Right now I have favorite bull riders and I just learn that you can have some favorite bulls. It’s just not the rider it’s the animal as well. I think that is cool! Here are the bull riders I like and really no order: Cody Nance, JB Mauney, Joao Ricardo Vieria and Guilherme Marchi. I think Guilherme Marchi is fun to watch because he is so positive regardless if he wins or loses.

Talking of sports I really can’t wait for NASCAR! Not sure who I am going to root for yet. I am not a huge fan of NASCAR but I do like watching it. I am actually excited to watch.