Things that irritate me


Part One

There are many things that irritate me but I am going to talk about words or phrases that really get to me.

Now I understand if you come from a different country or state and speak American English there is going to be different slang or phrases but some are just ridiculous.

I was born and raised in Wisconsin and there is a phrase that Wisconsinites say, “Stop ‘n’ go lights” I hear this quite often and seriously just say “stop lights” or “traffic lights”. We all know a stop light, stop and go but we don’t need to say stop ‘n’ go lights. Example: Now just go down the street and take a right turn at the stop ‘n’ go lights.

The phrase “cash money.” I hate this phrase because it’s two words that mean the exact same thing. Just say either cash or money but not cash money. It sounds like you don’t know what you are saying and it’s not funny. I have even heard this phrase in TV shows, commercials and movies and it irritates me. Example: I won cash money!

I heard my older brother at Thanksgiving, and he kept saying “Awesome sauce”. Awesome Sauce is a stupid phrase, just say awesome. Why does awesome have to add sauce? I know it’s a figure of speech but seriously stop it. Example: I am awesome sauce!

A word that gets to me is “huge” some people just say “uge” like hello there is an “h” in front of the word so say the whole thing. It’s not Uge it’s Huge! Example: Wow this house is uge!

One more word “innit” my sister in law says this word and it makes her sound like she can’t speak well. Innit means isn’t it. Example: My car is cool innit?