Road Trip Day Three


Wednesday October 8, 2014

Let’s Rock!

This is the day we were looking forward too and this is the reason we decided to go on vacation. In the morning we went to the Automotive Hall of Fame museum. It was okay, not a lot of cars to look at mostly the history of the people behind automotive creation and design which was cool. Got to watch a documentary on how cars came to be. I found even though there weren’t as many old cars to look at the information was really cool to learn about it. There was this older gentleman named Olaf who followed us around the museum telling us interesting stories. Like the story about Carl Benz everyone knows the name Benz. The interesting story was that Carl Benz was really socially awkward but made a car, he wasn’t going to show anyone. So one morning his wife took his car without telling him. It was so awkward to see this car because back then everyone had horse drawn carriages. It was so weird it made the paper the next day. If she hadn’t taken the car and showed it off there were probably be no Benz cars today. Mercedes was name of his daughter and named the car after her. Which I thought was unique name for back then to have name like that. Usually you hear names that were literal or simple not Mercedes. Very interesting!

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The second part of the day was the concert. The concert consisted of four bands: Nothing More, HELLYEAH, Volbeat and Five Finger Death Punch. It’s real interesting about Volbeat because I totally did not like them at first. Jeff is the one who really liked them but after listening to them for a little while, I became a huge fan. I think I am a bigger fan than Jeff now. We were really lucky because a month before the concert Jeff bought VIP tickets. The VIP tickets consist of meeting Five Finger Death Punch in person. I was totally excited because well you all know I love Jeremy Spencer and I couldn’t wait to meet him. In fact that is all I talked about for a whole month. I am sure my husband was sick of me talking about it. (Oh well!) I told him if we were meeting Kate Upton he wouldn’t stop talking about meeting her. He agreed, too funny!

What I didn’t know that the VIP tickets included a tour of the stage and the equipment. It was bad ass to see everything. But before we got to go to the stage, the stage manager was talking how everything is run. I wasn’t really paying attention; I was looking around the arena. Then it happened! HELLYEAH walked right behind our group. I couldn’t believe it, Chad Gray the lead singer of HELLYEAH looked right at me! I was really star struck, I should have said something but I just couldn’t. It was really funny because I was thinking wow, he is really short. He was probably as tall as me and I am 5’4. Also he had the most piercing blue eyes, I have ever seen. So hauntly awesome! I couldn’t believe no one else saw them. OMG! I will never forget that!

After the manager was done talking we got to see all the guitars and some were really unique. We got to see how it takes a couple of people to run all the sound for both the guitar players and bass player. Also seeing the all drums sets were neat. Yes, I got to see Jeremy Spencer’s awesome drum set. It’s really cool because it’s red and gray.

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Then after the tour of the stage and the equipment we went down this long hallway were all the dressing rooms where and meet 5FDP. I was SO NERVOUS! I felt like passing out and puking all the same time, that was how nervous I was. Being a VIP we got a cool bag and in the bag were drum head, drum sticks, a jersey, guitar picks and a wallet. The drum head was signed by all of them. I was surprised that no one had Jeremy Spencer’s book, I was the only one. I thought that was weird. So this is how it goes, all of them are sitting at this long table and you stand in line. There were about 20 people in our group. They sent two people at a time to the table. When it was our turn, whew I do not have nerves of steel. First it was Zoltan, Jeremy, Ivan, Jason and then Chris. We got to shake all their hands and have them sign whatever we wanted. Jeff and I both got our Jersey’s signed and I got to Jeremey signed my book. I told Jeremy that he was my favorite. He told me that he appreciated me for reading his book and thanks. He was the one who pointed out my t-shirt, he said that he thought it was really cool. Ivan said he loved my shirt too. Jason called me sweetie. (Um heart melting right now) I have to say that Ivan and Jason were more into the whole fan thing. I give Ivan a lot of credit because it felt like he understood all of us and that he appreciated all of us for supporting them.

After the signing we got to take pics with whoever we wanted. I wanted one with the whole band and one of me and Jeremy. While taking a pic with just Jeremy, Ivan and Jason photobombed us, I thought was so funny! Then Jeff and I took a pic with the whole band. Jeff got a pic with just Ivan. The whole experience was so fun! I will never forget this whole experience and I am a 5FDP fan forever.

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Now on to the concert, Jeff and I didn’t want to stand in the front. I feel being in the front you don’t get the whole experience. Sitting further away you can see the whole show. It’s not like you can’t hear the show. It was so loud! So awesome! First it was Nothing More I don’t really care for them. HELLYEAH was next and they were so awesome. Their whole stage present was amazing.

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Next was Volbeat, they were FREAKING AWESOME! Loved there stage set up. I knew every song they sang and sang along with them. First I like to say I was surprised by the lead singer Michael Poulsen because I have watched interviews and concerts on YouTube but his voice is not that low. It’s actually higher than I thought also you can tell that English is his second language. If you didn’t know Volbeat is a Danish band. He definitely has an accent. He was so funny; he asked if two girls in front were sisters. They must of said no because he’s like you can kiss each other right now. So they did lol! Then he pointed to a young kid and asked how old he was. He said that he was 12 so Michael Poulsen is like “stay right there” and he crowd surfed to give him a t-shirt. Too funny! Also while crowd surfing someone touched his crotch he said thanks for that. OMG! He was so hilarious; you could tell he really loves his job. Volbeat I hope I get to see you again because you are so awesome! I am a Volbeat fan for life.

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5FDP was next and wow! First Jeremy Spencer came out and all you could see was flashing something which I knew he had flashing teeth. Then the lights came on and he was just standing there with his skeleton makeup and costume on. Then the whole band came out and they started with the song Under and Over It. Ivan even had make up and a costume on. His was a red hand on the side of his face and a bandanna. The light show for Volbeat and 5FDP were something to really see. Ivan was really good at getting the crowd going. I liked singing along to the songs. A few songs later, just Jeremy came out. He had on a devil mask and played a drum solo. It was so FREAKING AWESOME! Then when the whole band came back Ivan got a lot of little kids to go on stage and actually sing Burn MF. (Their parents must be so proud) Holy crap it was so fun and funny at the same time!

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The whole show was just amazing! I will never forget this concert, I have never been to a concert that truly made me happy to go. This concert outweighs all the bands I have ever seen over my life time and I have to say I’ve seen a lot. This day was the happiest I have been a long time. It was just so much fun and I can’t wait to see more awesome bands in concert!

Death Punch’D Review

coollogo_com-77751045(1)Surviving Five Finger Death Punch’s Metal Mayhem

By Jeremy Spencer

I don’t know why but I am totally being lazy on writing this review of this book because I finished it on September 9 2014. And it’s not because it wasn’t a good book, it was.

I was surprised by Jeremy’s intelligence. Not saying I think that he is dumb. No I do not think that at all. I actually had to look up some words. Kinda funny! Good think I have the internet. Could you imagine looking them up in a real dictionary? I am glad that I do not have to do that anymore.

Anyways this book shows how much crap Jeremy endured to get to where he is today. I am actually surprised that he is not dead because of all the drugs he did. There were so many!

I found one chapter to be the most disturbing. It’s the chapter where he and his friends go to the cemetery and disturbs people’s headstones. This chapter got to me because I thought it was so disrespectful. You would think all the graphic sex and drug taking would disturb me but nope.

In conclusion do not read this book if you just want to find out more about Five Finger Death Punch. You will be somewhat disappointed. This book is called a biography for a reason because it’s about a person’s life. I would recommend reading this biography it was put together very well and it’s a fast read.


Death Punch’D


By Jeremy Spencer

I got my copy on the day it came out September 2 2014 and I have to say I am impressed with Amazon. I got it right away on the day that everyone else has to go to the store or try to buy it online. Which we all know is a nightmare when you are waiting for something you want to hear or read. Whether it be an album or a book.

Let’s look at it. See the pics below:


Looks nice, graphics on the jacket look nice, crisp and I like the colors, some books I read I think the colors are hideous. Also I am one those people who doesn’t even keep the jacket on, I like to read it without. I find jackets to fall off and distracting. So when taking off the jacket it’s black and red. Classy!

This book comes with….you guess it, glossy pictures in the middle. Cool, I like those. Can’t really get that in a kindle, your phone or other devices.

If you have ever read a biography about a musician, or any other person in the entertainment world you know it’s going to be a fast read. Not saying as a bad thing. If you look at this book or any others in the entertainment world the sentences are always spaced out and easy to read which is good. Just saying if you read a historical figure the sentences are always really close together and the book you can use it as a paper weight. Doesn’t make that a bad thing, it’s just a thing.

If you are a Five Finger Death Punch fan you need to get and read this book.

Bonus! If this is your first time reading a musician’s book you will be in for a treat.

If it is not you will still learn many things but you won’t be surprised about all the drugs and sex it will contain.

I will be doing a full review of this book when I am done reading it.