Silent Hill


Scary Weird or Scary Good?

I would say both scary weird and good. Silent Hill has two worlds normal to crazy scary!

I played the original Silent Hill on Playstation. At first I didn’t know what to think but after while it got weird. I like the storyline and I like the psychological aspect of Silent Hill. I thought the school was the scariest part of the first game and that’s what I remember the most from it.

My favorite Silent Hill was and still is Silent Hill 2. Silent Hill 2 has nothing to do with the story line of Silent Hill. I am taking control of James Sunderland while he is searching for his dead wife. (His dead wife?) This game takes the creepy award. This is where the fog comes alive literally.

In Silent Hill 2 I met the mannequins and then mannequin spiders! (Who comes up with this?) Then the famous nurses you meet them in this game but they don’t look like the nurses in any of the new games. They aren’t overly sexualized like they are now.

Of course can’t forget Pyramid Head makes his first appearance in Silent Hill 2. He scared me when I first saw him.

Silent Hill 2 is awesome and so far no other Silent Hill game has top it. Sure I have played the other Silent games but Silent Hill 2 will always be my favorite.

And now they made Silent Hill HD which is Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3 for the Playstation 3, I have to get this someday.

Silent Hill 3 goes back to the storyline but now Heather is older. (Still a good game!)

Every time I want to be scared, I will play Silent Hill.