Since nothing is going on in my life right now, I decided to talk about TV.

I don’t know about anyone else but DAMN! That Superman in Supergirl was HOT! Which is strange for me because I don’t usually go for the younger guy. He made me blush. Ha! I so hope he comes back to Supergirl. I am surprised on the rating on Netflix for Supergirl which I guess I shouldn’t be. I have seen some cool shows and movies on there where I look at the rating and say What?

I could see that Superman having his own show. Who would play Lois Lane?

Jeff and I are watching Tom Hardy’s Taboo. First of all Jeff watching this show is a first! It’s very dark literally watching it at night is hard sometimes. Ha! However the content is dark as well. I have seen quite a few shows with this content but not this story. It’s funny because Jeff is like “Is that how women were treated back then?” I say yes. If anyone knows even a little bit of history women haven’t had it easy. But he was like “What are women complaining about today look how they were treated back then!” And I am like “Right!” Also he can’t believe the King how he looks. He looks gross in Taboo however rich people had everything back then even diseases. Ha!

Seems more then any other years that superheros have been taking over. I know what a lot of them but the one I like is the Flash. I have always liked the Flash and wondered why they don’t make a show with him? I was so happy to see the show! I like it.  I wish they would make an update movie thought that would be cool.

Jeff and I watch many shows together but one I really like is Timeless. I love the history in Timeless! The Characters are likeable and they make me feel for them which makes for a good show. I have to say I always can’t wait to see where in time they are going to go. I hope they get renewed but if they don’t I hope that they don’t leave them back in time. I hate when time shows do that.

I am only going to talk about Scorpion but I have no idea why I am still watching this show. I guess a good fluff show that I don’t care what happens and can work on other stuff while sort of watching. This show is getting ridiculous which is sad because I really liked it when it first started but they can’t do no wrong in the show. The stunts are becoming like “Come on no way someone can come back from that!” I have never really watched the old Hawaii 5-0 but used to watch the reboot and now Scorpion is being like them. Like no way anyone can solve these problems and live through the situations they are in. I think soon I will stop watching this show. Too bad could have been a good show.