
coollogo_com-113681143Looking good

This weekend we worked on…the lighthouse again. Hopefully by next weekend we will have it done.

The lighthouse is coming together nicely! First we stacked it together to make sure it was straight. Which it’s hard to judge it is because of all the angles. Then I painted because Jeff dislike painting and I like it. I think so far the hardest part is the swirl of the light house. Jeff really had to use his brain for figure out the dimensions. From a far it already looks very nice.

Of course I took pics. Also you can see how tall it is next to me. I am 5’4 the lighthouse is almost as tall as me! Since this lighthouse is for my mom. It’s going to be taller than her. My mom is about 5’2.

This project so far has been the first project where no one has gotten mad…yet. Ha!

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Last weekend we started a project. So far Jeff and I haven’t fought about him being bossy. Ha! Anyways we are building my mom a lighthouse for her birthday. My mom loves lighthouses for some reason. One time when I was little kid my mom considered living in a lighthouse and be its keeper. That would have been crazy. I don’t know what the appeal of a lighthouse is? But you like what you like.

My mom’s birthday is September 9th. We have plenty of time to build it because it’s going to take a bit to do. Jeff loves making things out of wood. And he is really good at it. Me, not so much too much math involved and I hate math.

At least we have project to do in summer. It’s better than being in the house and being lazy. Winter will come soon and that is when we really don’t do anything. We both don’t like winter sports. I hate driving in the winter as well. Can’t really work in the garage in winter.

I will be taking pics of our progress. I can’t wait to till we paint it. We are doing a specific lighthouse. It has a black swirl. We are doing the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse. It’s going to be really cool.

Here is how far we got last weekend.

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