First of all Jeff and I saw the Accountant on Friday. It was a good movie. It was more drama then action and I thought Ben Affleck did a good job. Jeff made a good point he said ‘isn’t it funny when an actor gets older they want to be action stars.’ I thought that was funny because look at Liam Neeson, so true.
This year I wanted to go to a Halloween store. We went to Halloween City and it was cool. But wow the smell! All that latex and plastic made my stomach churn. So we didn’t last to long in the store. I was looking for a new skull for my collection but they mostly had costumes. I was sort of disappointed on the decorations they had.
Jeff got me Silent Hill Downpour. Since it’s almost Halloween I was thinking of playing a scary game, Silent Hill comes to mind. I was playing Silent Hill Homecoming years ago. It got stolen when we got robbed. I didn’t want to start over. I remember it was hard! So wanted to skip that one and decided Downpour. I have played most of them also this one was on sale on Amazon. It’s crazy most of the Silent Hill games are now expensive!
We worked on the house again. It’s really never ending.
In our living room there was a clay pots boarder. We both hated it. I have never taken down wallpaper before but I have seen it can be hard.
While talking with my mom she said they make stuff to take off the wallpaper glue which is why wallpaper is hard to get off. We found this stuff:
This stuff is worth the twenty dollars for both. The small thingy makes holes in the wallpaper then spray the stuff. Let it soak then scrape off. It worked! I didn’t think it would. However it does smell like pee though but can live with that as it worked so well.
I wanted to go brown for our living room since everything in there is brown already except my chair but that is only because it was on sale. It’s blue but brown and blue go together. Anyway we went with Behr paint. It claims it goes on with just one coat. Not! We have to do two coats because of the texture of our walls. In my opinion don’t make a claim you can’t keep. Just like the paint lady at Home Depot she said how can they claim this? They don’t know people’s walls. We laughed because true. Anyway it’s still nice paint.
This is only one coat. Tonight we finish it on this side of the room.