
I have a new favorite TV show. Preacher! I can’t wait every week to see it. I love how gory it is and the characters are awesome! I don’t read comic books so I don’t know what will happen but I heard it’s pretty close to the comic. Also the woman who plays Tulip is awesome she is my favorite character of the show. Tulip is such a bad ass.

So you know when you look up a show you see what the actors played in. I saw the woman who plays Tulip and the guy who plays Cassidy played in the show Misfits. I have been watching that too. It’s funny because I saw it on either Amazon or Netflix and it looked good but then forgot about it. OH! Misfits is an amazing show! Each episode has it’s own unique story line plus it adds all that someone watches up till then. I started two weeks ago and I am in the third season and there is five seasons. There isn’t a character on the show that I don’t like. Too bad there is only five seasons. I hope it ends good.

Speaking of ending shows Turn. I loved that show as it’s a history show about the Revolutionary War. Not just that it was about spies. It’s funny because if someone didn’t know about the Revolutionary War you would really think some of the characters would die but in history they don’t. It’s like having an insight of the show. The way that it ended was perfect! Couldn’t ask for the perfect ending of a show.

Jeff and I started watching the Fear of Walking dead. We tried watching that show before and it was boring! But one of Jeff’s co-workers said keep watching it gets better. So we did and now we are going to catch up to this year. It has a lot of action in it even though me watching so many zombie movies there are some real dumb things the characters do as well.

On Friday Jeff and I went to see Atomic Blonde. I really wanted to see it on the big screen. I have to say the story was a bit confusing in parts. The action though made up for that. It was great! She kicked so much ass.