Video Games

Early August PlayStation store was having a sale. I love sales! So I got two games and a DLC.

I really wanted Detroit Become Human. They had such a good deal get three games for the price of one. It was Detroit Become Human, Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. I have played all Quantic Dream games expect for Fahrenheit.

I didn’t want to play Heavy Rain again. Getting Beyond: Two souls was a bonus.

Let’s start with Beyond: Two Souls.

Spoiler alert!

Can tell this was a console ago. The graphics feel a bit of the PS3 and the dreaded fixed camera angles. I hate them! Moving the camera was a pain when it could be moved. I have to say I didn’t really like this game. I would not play again which it’s a choices game. Every time played can pick different choices that influence the story. I just can’t play this again.

It had this stupid fight game mechanic which I hated so much. Jodie got beat up a lot because of it. I couldn’t the hang of moving the stick in directions of her. It was bad.

I didn’t understand the first mission and its point. Also, Aiden is Jodie’s twin that wasn’t born alive. How did his world have monsters in it and how did they get in Jodie’s world? Why did they attack her only? Just some of that doesn’t make any sense. A typical Quantic Dream game. Doesn’t make any sense some of the story. Another thing that doesn’t make any sense is the character, Ryan. Why is he a love interest? He is an asshole! And the story shoves this character in Jodie’s face. I guess every story has to have an asshole. I also made him lose his eye. (Insert evil laugh here).

I played the last chapter twice because of the two choices. Then the epilogue a bunch of times to see all of the four choices when life is chosen. Wasn’t really all that impressed with the endings but this is a Quantic Dream game. Can tell where they came from and to see if they figured out how to do endings better.

Detroit Become Human

Living in the future and now there are androids. I got to play three characters in order of my favorite: Connor, Markus and Kara.

I have to say I didn’t like playing Kara because she has to take care of a child android which I figured out almost immediately but the game “tries” to hide it that she is android. I learned that Markus and Kara can die. Connor can die too but he comes back. Once I knew I can kill off characters, I killed off Kara many times. Hahahaha!

I like Connor because he is a detective. He has to work with a human detective. That’s pretty cool. Markus is a freedom leader and Connor’s and Markus’s fate intertwines with each other which is great. I don’t understand why there has to be Kara?

I have to mention there are some AWKWARD conversations in this game. Connor has two of them and Kara has one. Connor has a conversation with a cop while investigating what Markus did at this TV station. If of course, he saved from the first chapter. It’s really strange how Connor acts during this scene. The second conversation he has with his partner Hank while Hank is eating. Nothing that is picked makes this conversation any better. Kara and Rose’s conversation is strange! Same no matter choice it doesn’t flow right.

There is this one chapter with Markus that gives me bad motion sickness. It’s the chapter where he puts himself back together. I have to turn off the sound because it makes it worse. Every time I play it, I try to do it quickly before it makes me sick.

One more thing is the first chapters of Markus and Kara are super boring but has to be played because of Connor’s first chapter choices. I literally play games on my Ipad when doing these super boring chapters with Kara and Markus. I don’t understand why video games makes us to chores. I don’t even like doing chores in real life. Why would like doing them in a game?

This game has so MANY endings. More so then any other game I have ever played with many endings. I loved it. This is worth the money even without the other two games attached to it.

I hope that Quantic Dream can continue making more games like this one but work on the conversations.

Metro Exodus

I have read all the Metro books and liked them. So I have to play the games!

This game gives me motion like no other video I have ever played. I don’t know what it is either. I have tried all kinds of settings in the game but I still get motion sickness from this game.

So I can only play this game a little each time. Which sucks. It’s still a good game. Not done with it but I hope it’s close to the books. So far the games I did play are close enough to the books.